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Row Venice but which tour?

Party of four and we would like to take a Row Venice class. But which one? And should we book 2 and 2 or all 4 go together?

We are going late May 2024. There are three experiences offered we are looking at. The rowing in private canals, the cicchetti tour and the after 8pm in the Grand Canal.

My choice, based on description, would be the early morning in the private canals. And also to book hubby and I in one boat and brother/sil in another. It’s cheaper to all go together but I think we would like to have our own experience.

Any advice from people who have done a class with them would be appreciated. Thank you!!

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1057 posts

I've done it 3 times so far...I love Row Venice. I've done the smaller canal tour twice and the cicchetti tour once. I have no desire to row in the Grand Canal with all the motor traffic. The regular tours were more fun for rowing, but pulling the boat in for snacks was great fun too. It was hilarious to see our guide balance a tray full of wine and of cicchetti and hop into the boat with it - I was not ready to manage that successfully!

As far as whether to go together or in separate boats, it can be quite tiring to learn how to balance, keep the oar in the open oarlock, pull it in when passing boats or going under bridges...we were happy to trade off regularly. Everyone got multiple turns to row and to sit and take pictures. But if you're really keen, two in a boat will give you more time to practice what you're taught. I've done it with the five-person boat and with only two of us.

The last time, my friend and I had an apartment in Cannaregio with a large door/window onto one of the canals that Row Venice used regularly. So we got to watch many other people have the same fun we had! I love that nearly all the guides are women. RowVenice is a non-profit designed to financially support competitive female rowers, who don't get the same training and coaching opportunities and whose prize money is a fraction of what the men are paid in the same races.

(Note, I have rowed for over 20 years - the seated and row backwards kind of rowing - so it was especially fun to stand up and row forward and be completely confused about oar handling and port/starboard. Everything was the opposite of my experience so my brain worked as hard as my body!)

Heck, why not take both tours? Do the small canal tour in separate boats and then go out together for the social/snack time. It never got old for me.

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84 posts

Adding my 2 cents. We only did one, the early morning tour on the back canals and loved it.

We had a family of four, and space in the boat was great. Two of us rowed, and two sat down (my wife and my 10 year old who did not take a shine to this). My 14 year old loved it.

The great things about the back canals are that is really quiet. Great for learning, and no stress. It was also a nice way to see Venice after walking around the busy canals.

Like the other respondee, we had no want to "row" on the grand canal, which seems nuts to me.

If you have the time, I love the recommendation of the other respondee. Take the morning tour to learn and the Cicchetti tour in the evening.

If you want a low stress option, take the morning boat. Your call on whether you want 2 boats. I probably would.

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231 posts

This is just the advice I needed!! Many thanks to y’all for the info. Can’t wait to do this!!!


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5092 posts

We did Row Venice precovid and I would recommend one boat for you all. It's more work than it looks, so the rest between turns is welcome. It's a great experience on the back canals! Safe travels!