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Roundtrip travel between Rome and Florence for Family of 4

My family of 4 is trying to figure out the quickest and cheapest way to travel RT between Rome and Florence in mid June.
It is complicated cuz we have to get to the Rome airport on our return.
We are considering 3 options:
1) Train: but costs $520 for 4, plus the $$ and extra time it takes between Roma Termini and the Fiumicino Airport on the Leonardo Express (I think its a hour).
2) Car: renting a car one way on each leg of the roundtrip
3) Driver: hiring a driver on each leg of the roundtrip or just to get from Florence to Romes airport.
Thank you for any advice on whats best!

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28 posts

We recently made the trip from Florence to Rome with 5 persons on the Eurostar for 152 euros. I think we got a discount for having 5 people and it was low season. The trip is enjoyable and fast by train. Once you reach Termini, you could arrange for a car or cab to the airport (be very careful of the cab drivers and negotiate your price in advance). Arranging for a shuttle service might need to be done in advance. On the other hand, the Leonardi Express just takes a half hour. It is 11 euros per person, so for four people costs almost as much as a car or cab.

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6898 posts

There is a large difference between quickest and cheapest. The quickest run between Rome and Florence takes 1hr-40min. Most of these runs are on non-stop Eurostars. The standard fare is 39.90Euro. The cheapest is the Regionale-class train. This is the local. It stops at every stop. The trip takes 3hrs-41min. The fare is 16Euro. If you're lucky, you can get one of the few IC train runs that takes 2hrs-49min. The fare is 27.50.

What time is your flight out of FCO and to where? The time that you need to be at the airport depends if you are flying directly to the U.S. or to another EU airport.

(Ah, my days at T-Bones in Moraga and drag racing between Moraga and Orinda in the late 50s. Only orchards out there then).