Looking for options for direct transport for 4 adults in June 2022. Cruising out of Ravenna but cruise line will not allow us to book transfers through them bc we are arriving a day early. Any recommendations for companies that provide direct bus or car service? (Hubs doesn’t want to rent a car.) Thanks!
You could take the train to Ravenna, then taxi to cruise port
(change in Bologna)
It would be a shame to be in Ravenna and not see the mosaics
Flixbus is an option
Also take a look at MyDayTrip.com
Found Flixbus back in Dec but no info available on schedules—perhaps due to COVID. Will check again, thx.
Agreed on Ravenna’s mosaics. That’s why we’re arriving a day early.
Oh good!
We’ll be taking train from either Venice or Padova to Ravenna in September
(Not for a cruise, 2 nights for mosaics, etc) so I’ve checked the train connections
If you don’t want to go thru Bologna you can change in Ferrara
Pretty quick, each leg an hour or so