Looking for a recommendation for hotel room in Milan for 8/1. We are family of 4. Arrive in Milan midday and head for Geneva morning of 8/2.
Quite near the station is the Hotel Berna. Very nice and reasonable price when booking ahead. I hope you mean the first of August next year because if it is next week they are probably full. If you do mean this year you may need to take what is available, where you can find it, rather than trying to get the best deal or the best room.
The problem with the Berna for August 1, 2012 isn't that they're full. From their website: >>The hotel will be closed for renovation work from July 29th to August 7th 2012. <<
We liked the Berna also, though there are many other hotels in the same block and around the corner. If they can't help you, ask for their recommendation.