I apologize if this has already been answered in the many responses here. We are traveling from Rome to Pompeii via Naples, then to Sorrento in one day. I have read here where the train tickets are much more expensive if you buy them the day of travel vs. prior. Am wondering how much more expensive? Does that go for the tickets from Naples to Sorrento also, or just the tickets from Rome to Naples? We have found the tickets from Rome to Naples are around $36.00 online, for the 2 hour train.
Thanks! Julie
The train from Naples to Pompeii is really cheap, I think about five euro if I remember correctly. Be sure to get off the second Pompeii stop so you will be right at the entrance to ruins. That train is downstairs from main level, you buy ticket on main floor. From Rome, be sure to validate ticket before you get on train. Good luck. Enjoy.
It has and surprised you haven't read the answers. Three levels of fares - Super economy, economy, and base. The first two are limited in availability and come with restrictions. Generally need to be purchased a couple weeks OR MORE in advance via the web. BUT the base fare is very reasonable in Italy so it will not be overly expensive. The run to Sorrento from Naples is a private commuter line with no discount. Buy them when you get there.