(Some preamble about our background before my post: I know most people on this forum are not fans of rushed itineraries, and I always see comments about "busy trip" on most itineraries that seem perfectly normal to us. We have very busy schedules with work and school so are unable to take too many days vacation, and have to squeeze in what we can so we are used to scurrying around all day then relaxing at night at the hotel.)
This will be our first trip to Italy. We are a couple traveling with our energetic 13 year old son. We land in Rome on 28 Dec and leave back home to the US from Nice on 7 Jan. Between 28 Dec-7Jan.
We thought we'd stay in Rome for about 3 days, then make our way through to Nice while trying to maximize seeing whatever we can on the way.) We'd like some advice about the best way to get to Nice from Rome, that includes a stopover either in Florence or Milan. Would like to avoid flights, and open to renting a car if it works, or a train.
Would it be doable to stay over in Florence, then take the very long train journey from there to Nice, or go directly to Milan from Rome, in order to make for a shorter train journey to Nice? Or any other suggestions for a nice route (drive/train between Rome-Nice over the duration of 11 days). Would really value input from the seasoned and experienced travelers on the forum. Thanks in advance for any help.