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Rome to Munich via Train

We looked and looked and find few acceptable flights going from Rome back to Munich! Crazy.

So,,,we plan on a long train ride and of course if we go during the day, we see plenty of countryside, but waste time we could use in Munich. If we go at night we get to Munich fresh in the morning but miss the scenery.

I am considering a sleeper for the Wife and I if we go at night. First they don't have fares for our time in December yet! they must only show a couple of months or so. We plan on leaving Rome on either December the 17 at night, or early on the 18'th.

On the rail site in Italy. I notice a three tiered fair. One says Normal Fair....Then Economy...and Super Economy. What does the different prices mean. What qualifies you for one from the other??

I noticed on one, first class Double sleeper $519 then it has a column that says Smart $260????

Sorry for the ignorance! I'm over my head! Also I noticed one area had prices per leg of the trip. There was one fare for the leg from Rome to Verona and a price, then from Verona to Munich. I assume you add both prices to come up with your fare??


Posted by
3311 posts

I believe the price difference is based on how soon you purchase tickets. I was messing around on the Deutsche Bahn site and plugged in some numbers. Usually you can't get tickets or pull up info longer than 90 days prior to your trip. This example is for 2 adults, age 55, 1st class on December 1. Just take a look at this link from DB Bahn Website. It might answer some of your questions. Good luck and happy travels!

Posted by
91 posts

We are going in later December and the German Rail and Italian one will not take the input due to being out of the published area they have rates for. If you can get them three months out educate me. We would pay for the tickets today if there is a real savings. I just need to know. Just thinking I'm almost 4 months out!

A plane would solve my problem, but Veuling has a terrible record and reviews and they have a loooong stop over in Barcelona. No direct flights. Air Berlin is just as bad going to Dusseldorf. We get to Munich faster by train.

I need to know if the sites are worth taking the day train and losing a day of site seeing, or we should take the night sleeper and get their earlier! If there are really great things to see, then day is it, but otherwise get me to Munich!(GRIN)

Posted by
91 posts

I did look at your example and I know you can do I think up to December the 14. Try it at December 17 or 18 and I could not get it to function on Bahn or Iitalia.

Would also like to know what a Deluxe room is?

Posted by
11613 posts

Trenitalia schedules for December are not up yet, normally you can buy tickets 119 days ahead. Keep watching the site for when they do publish. If the fares aren't posted yet, no one else can buy them, either.

I would make the decision based solely on how well you sleep on trains. Unless you pay for a private double, people may deboard or board your compartment at other stops during the night.

I haven't taken a night train in 20 years, don't sleep well on them and arrive cranky. Crankier.

Posted by
91 posts

If we use a night train it would be a deluxe double. I don't want the hassle and prefer the privacy.

Thank you!

Posted by
7180 posts

Did you check for flights? Alitalia and Lufthansa both have non-stops on that route on your dates for under $200.

Posted by
34350 posts


be sure you understand the lack of sleep you are likely to get on a night train, even one with a premier compartment. You will be hard pressed to find more than one or two folk on this Helpline who still advocate night trains.

Posted by
91 posts

Why the problem with sleeping in a 1st class deluxe double? I could see it in the four or 6 berth sleepers. What constitutes Deluxe. Bathroom??????


Posted by
34350 posts

The problem isn't the small uncomfortable bed. The deluxe is indeed a little larger. The problem is the journey itself. Perhaps you can sleep through anything but most people are disturbed by bright lights coming in the windows as the train goes through stations and marshalling yards, the sharp abrupt changes of direction as the train goes over points, the changes of speed, the sudden noises. Just as you are going back to sleep something else happens to jolt you awake, and then again.

Then there is the curiousity. Pull up on the blind as the train slows for a station or after the noises of a level crossing and try to make out the name of the station and work out where you are.

And really, honestly, the beds are not the Ritz.

I've taken a number of sleeping cars around Canada, the US and Europe over the years. My last one was a very nice train from Bruges to Munich a few years back, but I have taken my last one.

Posted by
91 posts

Thank you Nigel. I figure you have ridden more trains than I ever will or want to!(GRIN) It is making me reconsider the option of night trains, but I will discuss it with the Wife!

I was told the scenery going to Munich is wonderful, so..other than losing a day it looks like it's our option unless a cheap flight comes out way and Veuling is not too high on our list.

Posted by
4535 posts

I can confirm Nigel's account. Night trains are not high-speed express trains that glide along the tracks. They purposely go slower, make numerous stops and will sometimes sit at sidings or in stations for long periods. Station stops can be very noisy. Stops and starts are sometimes jolting. Even with curtains closed bright lights outside will flash in your room. Late-night revelers walk down the hallways loudly. Two people stand outside your cabin talking. I once slept in the cabin next to the conductor's. An alarm was going off in his cabin for well over an hour. Try and sleep through that!

I'm not trying to say it's torture and I've had mostly pleasant experiences on them, but they are NOT restful.

Posted by
91 posts

Thanks for the recap. Seems the consensus is, it's not a great option. We wanted to get to Munich early in the morning so the day wasn't wasted. I'm sure the scenery from Rome to Munich is nice, but 10 hours of it?????????