We looked and looked and find few acceptable flights going from Rome back to Munich! Crazy.
So,,,we plan on a long train ride and of course if we go during the day, we see plenty of countryside, but waste time we could use in Munich. If we go at night we get to Munich fresh in the morning but miss the scenery.
I am considering a sleeper for the Wife and I if we go at night. First they don't have fares for our time in December yet! they must only show a couple of months or so. We plan on leaving Rome on either December the 17 at night, or early on the 18'th.
On the rail site in Italy. I notice a three tiered fair. One says Normal Fair....Then Economy...and Super Economy. What does the different prices mean. What qualifies you for one from the other??
I noticed on one, first class Double sleeper $519 then it has a column that says Smart $260????
Sorry for the ignorance! I'm over my head! Also I noticed one area had prices per leg of the trip. There was one fare for the leg from Rome to Verona and a price, then from Verona to Munich. I assume you add both prices to come up with your fare??