We will be in Rome in early November and would also like to visit the Amalfi Coast. Is a day trip doable? Also, considering the time of year, what will we be able to do and see?
No. The Amalfi Coast is too far from Rome for a day trip. The ferries don't run that time of year.
Agree, that's way too far for a reasonable day trip. Your time is better spent elsewhere, in or at least within a few hours of Rome. Save the far south for another trip when you don't have to go crazy spending all day in transit.
Not worth it. November can be cold and rainy. Save Sorrento and Amalfi and Naples for another trip. Sorrento is a GREAT base for that area, and also see Pompeii or Herculaneum's ruins. Tons to see in Rome, plus good walking and eating tours too.