Hi, I've browsed the Forum & Roman websites pretty widely looking for 2nd tier gems in Rome and would love to hear your favorite ideas! We will be there 6 nights between Christmas & NY. We prefer smaller sites, antiquities over Renaissance or Middle Ages, small trattorias over famous or Michelin star restaurants & quirky shopping areas over swank. Here's the main RS thread I've used - https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/italy/rome-rec-s-other-than-the-typical-historical-sights-and-restaurants.
We're fortunate to have been to Rome a week over NY in 2019, and I've been multiple times. We've booked Hotel Smeraldo, (thank you to all who've recommended it), close to Largo di Torre Argentina. We'd like to do one small museum each day, have a list of nearby restaurants to try or return to, & are likely to take the new Jewish Ghetto Eating Europe Walking tour.
Which of these are your fav smaller museums? Palazzo Altemps (nearby), Palazzo Massimo (mosaics look stunning), https://museonazionaleromano.beniculturali.it/en/. Palazzo Giulia (is this worthwhile beyond the amazing Etruscan sarcophagus?), and Centrale Monte Martini if we go back to Testaccio for lunch! Le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini looks AMAZING with it's multimedia show, thanks to Forum thread above. We've been to Castel Sant'Angelo, might have to go back, it's our ideal type of monument, ancient with amazing views & fewer people early in the day. Has anyone walked through Teatro Marcello?
And we've been to Galleria Borghese, or it would be top of the list!
The one 'biggie' my hubby hasn't seen is the Forum, suggested not too long tours or walks there? BUT my feet can only take so much walking, 15K steps a day. I see a one-day 3 hour ticket, lots of sights of course inside but could use some more details on what everyone liked? Would probably just download RS walking guide? https://colosseo.it/en/tickets/forum-pass-super-ticket/.
We hope to do just one day-trip out of Rome to Tivoli - We'd get a taxi across Rome to Ponte Mammolo, catch the train from there. OR take a taxi one way or RT to Tivoli, but that's looking quite expensive? (No need to speak English, my Italian is adequate) And thank you to all you Rome aficionados!