Is there anything we should be aware of on this national holiday? Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
Due to celebrations at various times of the day, roads are closed and thus bus routes downtown are disrupted. Certainly the biggest event is the parade near the Colosseo in the morning - Thus, the Colosseo opens later. There's often an event at the Vittoriano so it's closed to the public during this period. The parade route is lined with folks so be aware it will be more crowded near the Colosseo, Forum, and Piazza Venezia area. There are some store closures but most in the centro area - especially tourist driven shops - are open. If you want to see the parade, get there early to get a spot. I like to be ABOVE the Colosseo metro, but that's a prime viewing area. There will be TV trucks, grandstands being built, and cable everywhere on Via dei Fori Imperiali a few days leading up the event
So THAT's what they were setting up late last May in front of the Forum. I was wondering. Thanks, Ron!
One of my favourite memories is a couple of years ago my wife and I found ourselves in front of the Pantheon in the morning of this holiday. There was a small brass band in full uniform which stuck up the Italian National Anthem. It brought tears to my eyes to see all the people around - there appeared to be very few tourists - burst into highly emotional song, all singing along. Of course Italians would know the words, but what struck me was the emotion. Everyone was strongly involved, belting it out with plenty of arm and hand action. It is a tune which I, as a Formula One fan of many years who supports McLaren, have hated to hear when Ferrari won. Seeing the people at the Pantheon completely changed my opinion. It is now one of my favourite tunes.
We will be in Florence on the 2nd. Does anyone know if there will be museum closures or if Florence celebrates? Thanks.