We will be in Rome one day through Cititavecchia as part of a Med. Cruise. Thinking of booking with miles and miles (RS recommends) but cost is a bit much (625 E for 2). I have been to Rome, my husband has not. I asked him to choose Vatican Museum or Colosseum. He chose Vatican.
We could do this as our one "splurge" and get a great trip into Rome in a private car & driver through Miles and Miles. I would rather not share this with a group (as may be an option), but feeling like it may be a bit much (does not include museum tickets or lunch).
Love the convenience of port to port service. Will include other sights (Colosseum plus) as time permits. Two hours at actual museum (I know it is not nearly enough). It sounds awesome from their web sight.
We are in Rome 11-21-16. Weather may be questionable so private tour is even more enticing!
Thank you.