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Rome late October ( a Mobility question)

I am traveling with my sister and my mom late Oct. coming off a cruise ship. My mom is a bit disabled, doesn't use a wheelchair, but doesn't have great footing either (she has a leg problem) easily also. Are there places I should not take her due to the unevenness of the ground? Is there a service where we can rent a motorized type wheelchair to make things easier? At 68 years of age, are there some places we should take her at night? She's very young at heart, but her body thinks otherwise. We only have 3 days there.

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238 posts

Go to, choose Italy at the top of the page, and then scroll down to "Accessible Rome" by Mary. Hopefully she has contact info there in case her info is not recent. She will be a GREAT info source for you!

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7737 posts

Here's the link: Accessible Rome Also, can I suggest that you modify your topic to be something like "Mobility in Rome" instead of just the month? You'll probably get more useful advice. Also, check out the parallel thread posted by someone else on the same topic. Good luck.

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2 posts

Thanks for the great info. I will forward the website to my mom and go from there.