Hello! I am visiting Rome in March (for the first time since college decades ago) and I wanted to see key sights related to the Jesuits. I know to go to the Church of St. Ignazio and the Gesu church, along with the rooms next door that St Ignatius studied in. Does anyone know the hours of the rooms- Camerette di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola? I was unable to translate the web site and struggled to find opening hours and if you need reservations for a small group of three. Thank you!
Google notes that the opening hours for the rooms of St. Ignasius are 4pm to 6pm each Monday to Saturday evening (1600 to 1800), except for Sunday when they are open from 10am until noon.
This link notes different times to visit, though:
And the link above says to send an email with questions, so that is what I would do.
Best of luck.