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Rome itTaxi or Freenow?

I am looking for current reviews of itTaxi or Freenow in Rome. I read that Freenow charges more. Is itTaxi easy to use and the same price as regular taxis

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My cousin, who lives in Rome, uses ItTaxi and she recommended it to me and my wife. ItTaxi is an app by the Italian Radio Taxi Association. As far as I know, there should be no commission fees if you use ItTaxi, since the platform is owned by the Taxi Association, so it would be like calling through their website.

ItTaxi also has an operating agreement with Uber now, so the Uber app should also work in Rome. However if you use the Uber platform, rather than ItTaxi, there is a commission going to Uber of 2.50€ per ride (fixed fee). I don't know if it has increased.

FreeNow also works, but I know that starting last week their commission fee went up from 2.50 to 3.00€ per ride.