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Rome Itinerary?

Hi! My husband and I (early 40s, good health) will be in Rome at the beginning of November, and I wondered if anyone could offer some feedback on our itinerary. I'd like to stay busy without rushing so much that we miss out on time to really take it in. Not sure if these days are full enough, too full, etc. and not sure if there is anything else I am missing. Also not sure when best to add Spanish Steps and Trevi Fountain.

Day 1 (Monday 11/4)-arrive at Rome Ciampino airport 8:55 am. Head to hotel (across from Largo Argentina), drop bags, RS "Heart of Rome" Walk. Pantheon, Piazza Navona, Campo dei Fiori in evening

Day 2 (Tues 11/5)-Vatican City (St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican Museum, Castel San Angelo)

Day 3 (Weds 11/6)-Borghese Gallery and gardens, Capitoline Hill area-Piazza del Campidoglio, Victor Emmanuel monument, Imperial Forums. Monti neighborhood for dinner

Day 4 (Thursday 11/7)-Roman Forum and Colosseum, Palatine Hill, Bocca della Verita, St. Peter in Chains, Trastavere neighborhood for dinner and walk

Day 5 (Friday 11/8)-Santa Severa day trip (my husband wants to dip his toes in the Mediterranean Sea)

Day 6 (Saturday 11/9)-OPEN (suggestions?), back to hotel by 5:30 for flight to Paris

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1059 posts

Looks like a busy trip . . . and a wonderful trip! There's a lot of walking, which is my favorite way to see Rome. You might want to look at a map and plan sites in an order that saves walking time. I don't see any lunch breaks - I high suggest those not only to rest the feet but to 'people watch.' Not the tourists, but the Romans. The neighborhoods are each interesting and diverse. About Saturday - how about each evening (late night strolls in Rome are the best!), decide what you would like to re-do and go to those places on Saturday? Then, on the plane, plan your next trip to Italy!

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8105 posts

Not a bad plan.

Rome has so much to see.

Other places you didn't mention are Trajan's Column and Forum and the Capitoline Museum.

The Catacombs are interesting.

There are some amazing churches as well.

You should go to Ostia Antica on day 5.

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63 posts

Sounds like a super busy trip! I did a similar itinerary my first trip to Rome ... my friend had to skip a day because her legs hurt so bad after the first 2 days! With that in mind, I think you have too much. On day 2 - Vatican City - the museum and St. Peter’s will take up most of the day. You could walk to castel San Angelo and check out the bridge, but I’m not sure you would have enough time to go inside. It’s bigger than it looks and I thought, very interesting. Our group spent about 3 hours there. Day 3 looks good, but I would plan on taking a taxi between borghese gallery and capitoline hill area. Especially since you will want to save your feet for day 4. When you are in piazza del campidoglio make sure to walk behind the buildings to get a great view of the Roman forum! Better for me than actually walking amongst the ruins. However, a better day in my opinion would be to make your borghese gallery tour earlier in the morning, take a taxi to get there, then wander through the gardens to the Spanish steps. From there you can reverse Rick steves “heart of Rome” walk to get to Trevi fountain, pantheon and back to your hotel. If you’re not too tired you could hit the piazza del campidoglio area before dinner in the monti neighborhood. Day 4 is ok, we did St. Peter in Chains before our colosseum tour. I’m really glad we did because we skipped bocca della verita after, the full tour (colosseum, Roman forum and palatine hill) is a ton of walking on uneven ground. We had also planned for a couple of other churches in the area that we skipped.
Adding time for lunch is also super important especially in Italy!! Dinner does not start until at least 7pm, which is good and bad - you get to recharge a little before going out again, but if you skip lunch you will be starving! Don’t forget to eat - it’s part of why you are going to Italy, right?? Lol
Don’t be afraid to take taxis whenever you’re tired. The mytaxi app is very good and we never had any trouble.
As another reply said... you can start planning your next trip on the plane ride home because you will want to go back! Have an amazing trip!

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1625 posts

Looks wonderful and pretty close to what we did. My suggestion is to have an "A" list and a "B" list for each day, "A" is must see and "B" is "if we have time", each time I have gone my B list is never accomplished (Goes to the A list for next trip!). Usually when I get to the "A" location there is so much to see and do there, or we decide to sit and have a Spritz and snacks and people watch, rest our feet and just get caught up in what is around us.

St Peter in Chains is either In Monti or close to, I know we walked there from our apartment in Monti. You can walk from the Victor Emmanuel Monument to the Monti Neighborhood.

For Dinner in Trastevere I highly recommend a walking food tour given by Eating Europe, The Twilight Tastevere is so fun I have been on it twice! They hit some really great spots in that neighborhood and take you all over. Due to the small groups, they do require reservations and sell out fast so book way ahead.

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3112 posts

Your itinerary looks active but manageable since you've grouped sights that are relatively close to one another. I thought the previous suggestion to prioritize in case you get tired and note lesser sights in the area in case you have extra time was a good one. On day 3, you could view the Imperial Forums as you walk to Monti for dinner. Most of the better restaurants will be busy even in November, so it's wise to make the dinner reservation by lunch hour. As mentioned above, St. Peter in Chains is just across Via Cavour from the heart of Monti so you might be able to visit while in the area that day. Unless there's a specific reason you want to go to Santa Severa, a day 5 trip to Ostia Antica and a visit to the sea at Ostia would be easier. Metro + train to both are included in the standard Rome transit ticket or daily/weekly pass. On day 6, you might consider visiting San Clemente church (4 layers of history), Villa Farnesina (Raphael frescos) or Palazzo Massimo (the national museum). You could also use day 6 to visit sights you planned to visit previous days but missed for some reason. Enjoy!

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60 posts

Oh to be 40 again!
For us, (just turned 70) our first day is always as relaxed as possible after a cramped & ugly transatlantic redeye. Once we're into the city & checked in, we leave the day unplanned...lounging, some food shopping, a short walk or two to explore the neighborhood, then a local restaurant meal & early bed time. We strive mightily to relax, but not nap. The real vacation begins the next day.

Of course, the advantage of old age is that we can vacation for weeks instead of days.... no jobs to return to, We can afford to give up the first day to recuperation.

Posted by
18 posts

Thank you all for the great advice and suggestions! I’m going to play around with the order and timing of things a little bit but it sounds like I’m on the right track. I appreciate it!