I saw a show Mr. Steves did on the area around Rome which included a place he called the "Aqua Santa". It was a natural water location where you could get water from a faucet. He spoke of it being so old that the Caesars got their water there. We would like to visit that area during a trip we are taking in a couple of weeks, but I have not been able to find it anywhere. I have searched the internet several times but have only found information on the Aqua Santa Bottling Company. Could you please give me some information on its location? Thank you very much.
Try this link for a pamphlet about the springs out on the Appian Way. We've been fortunate to wander in this area a few times.... we drove our motorino close to some of these spots and then hiked in. Each time we went, folks were out in the park on bikes and walking. http://www.parcoappiaantica.it/en/pdf/PIEGHacqua_ing14_01.pdf
I am guessing that it is this company http://www.egeria.it/ The web design is not exactly user-friendly, but drilling down gives info that seems to indicate (maybe) that this is where RS was during the shoot. here is the transcript of the RS episode http://www.ricksteves.com/tvr/caesarromerse105_scr.htm