If you have stayed at Hotel Fori Imperiali Cavalieri in Rome please offer a review. I am considering making a reservation there for 1 week in Oct 2019. Thanks
You can also check reviews for the hotels you’re asking about on sites like Yelp, Booking, or TripAdvisor.
Thanks for tip on reviewing hotels. I check them all and have found reiews on RS blog to be the most reliable.
As you're not getting much for feedback on most of the hotels you've asked about, I would certainly check booking.com, Tripadvisor, etc. I've used a combo of booking.com + TA for some years now when choosing accommodations and haven't ended up with a property yet we've been unhappy with.
TA's review pages are valuable for the candid guest photos: they give you a look at the properties without the glamming-up that hotel websites do for their advertising snaps.
Kathy. Thanks for your good advice. I always check Tripadvisor and Booking.com reviews before making a hotel decision. I have more confidence in Rick Steves' forum reviews. You can never tell if the reviews on Tripadvisor and Booking.com are authentic. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
A joyous season to you too! :O)
IMHO booking.com's tend to be the most 'authentic' as ability to post a review depends on having booked that property through the site. You are sent a "review invitation" link after the last day of your reserved stay. And it's really not difficult to weed out suspected fakes on TA.
Anyway, both sites have much bigger user bases than this one so you're going to have more reviews on more accommodations - and more of them current - to browse through than here. No right or wrong, just a matter of resources if property questions come up empty.
People are probably not answering here because they haven't stayed at the specific property you want, or they did too long ago.
We are quite a small world here, even smaller before Christmas when this Forum slows way down.
I'd use booking dot com for impartial reviews and TA for photos.