We are headed to Rome in late September. Our 3rd time. We are joyously booked to do the Scavi tour (2nd time! but 1st for my sister) at Vatican at 9am during our time there. We want to do the Scavi tour and then wander the Basillica and then go for lunch (close suggestions welcome - last time (a number of years ago) we were so tired we had a truly horrible meal that was shoveled out for masses of tourists - something simple but edible would be appreciated). THEN (and this is the piece of the puzzle I hope for help to achieve): we want to do an afternoon (or late afternoon) 'hidden' Vatican tour - I want, so much, to see the Bramonte staircase and room of Masks - and my sister wants to see the Sistine (which I will never turn down an opportunity to see).
Recommendations for a good guide or tour company that handles that? I can book it directly through the Vatican but it is WILDLY EXPENSIVE - we're talking upwards of 800-900 eu through their site and that is just not a possibility for us.
Thanks so so much.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season.