Our flight to FCO is scheduled to arrive at 7:30 A.M. After we deplane, get through the passport line, and collect our luggage, we are taking a Frecce train to Venice. The cost difference between buying tickets now and waiting until the day we arrive is quite significant (there are six of us traveling), but I am very wary of buying tickets in advance in case our flight is delayed. On the other side, since there are six of us, I am concerned that we will not get a seat on the train if we don't buy early.
What are your thoughts and experiences with this?
Train options include taking the Leonardo Express to Termini and boarding a Frecce train there or taking the 11:08 nonstop service from FCO. If our plane is on time, that is a long time to sit around the airport waiting for the train to leave, or is it likely to take us a few hours to clear passports and collect bags? Thanks much!