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Rome, FCO Airport for Morning Check-in - Having Enought Time?

Dear community,

I'm scheduled on a BA flight to Seattle, connecting in London, leaving FCO at 7:50am. I noted bus/train to FCO would leave ~ 1.5 hours for check-in. But I hear that the check-in process would require me to get to FCO earlier, necessitating taking a cab.

I would likely be at a hostel, near Termini station (where airport train departs).

Anyone have options, or could I still take ~6:00am train to make the 07:50am flight?

Thanks, Mark : )

Posted by
127 posts

what about an earlier train?
you didn't mention what day, or what time of year?
["casa olmata" is a great hostel, 3 blocks from the termini]..

Posted by
81 posts

I guess I have a similar question because I would have thought 90 mins would have been enough time.

I have a flight from Rome to Paris. I was under the impression since I wasn't taking a flight out of Europe I wouldn't have to arrive so early to the airport. Now I'm not so sure.

Posted by
1449 posts

90 minutes isn't even close. You'll need 2.5 hours at least.

See the NY Times article about worst airports at

To quote from the article "One Saturday last fall on my way to New York, the check-in line for flights stretched the length of the terminal and out the door and was 10 people wide; it took two to three hours of dragging luggage forward by inches to reach the desk. People using walkers or carrying screaming infants were not excused."

This matches my experiences at the airport, BTW.

Posted by
6 posts

Dear Community,

Thanks. To clarify, I'm leaving on a weekday in mid-March 2008, on British Airways to LHR connecting onto to flight to Seattle, WA.

So, I guess that leaves taking a taxi to FCO airport, right? Train and bus don't leave early enough (they start ~ 6am). A taxi will probably cost a fortune (I've heard ~ 80 Euros - OUCH!). Perhaps I could get together with other outbound travelers from Rome-Termini area and share costs???

Yeah, I kind of figured, 1.5 hours would not be enough time.

In appreciation, Mark : )

Posted by
223 posts

Why don't you stay at one of the hotels out near the airport? Many offer free shutle bus service into the City (so you don't have to spend your last night in Rome out by the airport!)and some offer shuttles to the airport (although, maybe not running that early.) A Taxi from the the ones in the "Parco de Medici" area should run you about 35euros...there are other hotels closer though (I just haven't stayed in them) or...there is always the Hilton IN the airport ;-)

Posted by
3580 posts

I allow 3 hours for most flights. I'm usually way early, but better early than missing a flight. My worst experiences have been at Paris CDG airport. Getting there really early I have been able to be at the head of the line for my flight.

Posted by
23534 posts

Mike's quote refers to the International terminal. I have flown out of Rome four time but all on domestic flights so I cannot comment on the International terminal. All were smooth with the normal amount of delay. At that time of morning and a domestic flight, I think you are fine. It would not hurt to add 30 minutes if you can.

Posted by
166 posts

Hi Mark,

On our last flight out of FCO ( Rome ) we arrived 3 hours prior to our departure and if the flight wasn't delayed we would have missed it. Rome ( FCO )is super busy so give yourself plenty of time.


Posted by
5776 posts

I flew out of FCO twice last year. One time on a domestic flight to Palermo, I had absolutely no problem and zipped through check-in and security. Three weeks later, I had a flight on BA to London. Because I had such an easy time on the domestic flight, I only arrived at the airport 2 hours early thinking this would be more than enough time. The check-in area was completely chaotic ... a huge mass of people with agents trying to group people into 3 lines (not terribly successfully). I did make my flight, but I would suggest that you allow a little extra time when flying out of FCO, particularly on an international flight.

Posted by
57 posts

BA now allows you to check-in on-line & print your boarding pass 24 hrs ahead. Then you just check your luggage when you arrive. This would certainly help you. I had a similar dilemma while in Italy a couple years ago -- it was mid-Oct, sis & I had an 8am BA flight to LHR, only differnce -- we were 1.5 hours away from Rome (2 hrs by train). Our cousin usually gives us a ride to FCO but this time there was a car issue. At 3am he dorve us to the station in Formia (he said trains along the coast are more reliable ???). We caught the 4am train, got into Termini just before 6am, then took Leonardo Express to the airport. Got checked-in, went through security & ended up waiting around till our flight was ready to board (the sunrises above the runway are quite lovely). Needless to say, I didn't sleep the night before we left. I'm thinking it can be done if you can use the online check-in. Lord knows it would have helped us if it was offered then.

Posted by
6 posts

Dear Community,

Great suggestions and ideas. I'll check out accommodations closer to the airport and certainly understand the benefits of internet check-in coupled with arriving with plenty of time to spare!

Ciao, Mark : )

Posted by
3112 posts

Lately 2 hours seems to be the minimum comfortable time to check in and get through security at Fiumicino Terminal C (international - including the BA flight to LHR). Things go much faster at Terminals A and B (domestic). Alicia, your Paris flight might be "domestic" because it's within the EU. Check departures on website to see.

Posted by
23534 posts

I am almost positive that any flight within the European countries, including England is domestic flight. And that only overseas flights go out of the terminal C. We have departed Rome for both Frankfurt and HRow and both were out of the domestic terminals. It was about the same as any airport.

Posted by
359 posts

I think I'd rather just take a cab than change to a hotel near the airport.

Posted by
2 posts

I recently got back from Italy in November. My flight was out of fco (6am) to Milan (with final destination to the US). A group of 4 of us shared a taxi to the airport and since it was around 4am we paid about 15 euros each. It was definitely worth it. Remember that taxis are supposed to charge flat rates of about 40-50 euros now from rome to fco but only during the day hours. Since your flight is early the taxi will run by meter. Save your euros for the taxi trip, it's worth it. Good luck and have a fabulous trip.