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Rome City Tours

In the past we have used Scala Reale as a tour guide for art history/architectural tours in Rome. They are no longer in existence, has anyone used another group they are pleased with?

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23650 posts

We enjoyed the Angel Tours - mostly young art students but a lot of fun.

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203 posts

Through Eternity provided what we were looking for in Rome. Their guides, Stefano and Valaria, were amazing! I would recommend them wholeheartedly!

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107 posts

I second Marianne. We were there last month and used "Though Eternity" for a Vatican tour. We opted for the 5 hour tour which was conducted by an American fellow studying in Rome. Pre-Paid admission is part of what they offer. No need to stand in long lines for a couple hours! You are also given hearing plug-ins so when guide speaks it is done in a casual tone, no need to raise voices. A short stop for lunch too. Very good.

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107 posts

Just thought to add a tour you might consider. This was the best I have ever had. Scavi tour that takes you under St.Peter's and is conducted by a Vatican priest. You have to arrange it well in advance of you visit. Go here to read up on it. The Scavi Tour.