I apologize in advance for asking for as precise as possible answers to a series of involved questions. I would be sincerely grateful for some specific help (from all of the knowledgeable, experienced, helpful, understanding and kind Rome experts on Rick Steves' Forums).
Is there an official timetable online for Rome’s bus route (besides the ATAC calculator “Viaggio Con ATAC" website)—an official schedule like that posted on signs at many of the bus stops in Rome? I understand the traffic is congested a lot of the time and it is problematic for Rome’s buses to keep their set schedule but there is a set schedule for each bus route and I would appreciate knowing if it is accessible online.
Concerning the ATAC website: (The site is very useful and supplies a great deal of information and perhaps what I want to know is contained within the website and I am just too dumb to figure it out.)
A. I would like to find out the times during the day a bus is scheduled to arrive at a specific bus stop.
B. I would like to know the amount of time it takes a bus to travel between two stops.
From what I can see the ATAC website will calculate a route for you and it will map your route and also map the entire route of each bus, but I am unable to find out the times a bus is scheduled to arrive at any given stop (except for the first/beginning stop of the route) and the travel time between the stops. Example: If you enter two addresses the ATAC website will map the best route and supply the buses you should/could take but it does not appear to list the times the bus will be at your departure stop/address and how long it will take to reach your desired destination. In other words, how do you know when you need to be at a stop to catch the bus and how do you know how long it will take to get where you are going. (Again, I realize traffic makes it impossible to know exactly the coming and going of any particular bus but there must be a set schedule that can be used for general planning.) If the information is obtainable on the ATAC website or some other site online, I would be very grateful to know how to find out the scheduled timetable of the different bus lines. Thank you.