Looking to rent for week in Trastevere for 6 people balcony would be wonderful. Happy to stay elsewhere if anyone has any great recs.
Try airbnb.com Also VEBO vacation rentals by owner. Look at
Roninrome.com -- accommodation section. He's the best. Hotel Alimandi has a BnB apartment now with two bedrooms and small kitchen. It's in the Vaticano neighborhood (Prati) close to Trastevere. I've stayed at both their hotels, but never the apartment. I really like their hotels, the neighborhood and the way things are run.
Kathy. You must absolutely must try 9flats.com. I searched for Amy's trying to find the best sites. I just got a unit in Trastevere centre for less than €300 for 3 nights and it is really beautiful and has great reviews. It takes only 5 minutes to register and complete your profile. Once registered, upload at least 1 photo so the people leasing to you can know you're decent people, then make the choice, post the inquiry with a message. I got an email within 8 hours confirming I had been accepted and then booked. The money is held by the operators until the day after you stay.
Great advice, Gavin. By the way, Kathy, I made a typo: should be VRBO.com