Can I take a train from the airport to Trastevere (my hotel is there). I will be arriving on Sunday July 7th. My hotel is supposed to be "nearby" the Trastevere train station. My next question... I will need to go from Trastevere to the Pantheon area the next morning... is this possible by bus? Thanks. Linda
There is a cheap and easy train directly from FCO airport to the Trastevere train station. More info here: Ron In Rome on the FR1 train To go from Trastevere train station area to the Pantheon, hop on the #8 tram that has a stop right in front of that train station, and ride it all the way to the end. Then you're within walking distance. The trams run every 5 minutes or so. Be sure to have either a bus/tram ticket or a pass before you get on the tram, and validate it once you get on.
I think the #8 tram now runsor will soon runall the way to Piazza Venezia. To be on the safe side, from Trastevere, just get off at the second stop after the tram crosses the river (via Torre Argentina). Then walk in the exact same direction the tram was heading for about 3 1/2 blocks. Consider using Google maps to find out precisely where your Trastevere hotel is. If it's more than a few blocks from the station and you're carrying luggage, you may want to take the same #8 tram to your hotel. Please note that although there are tram tracks directly in front of the Trastevere train station, the #8 stop is actually about a block beyond the parking lot in front of the station.
The train from the airport to Termini Train station in Rome is called the Leonardo Express and Rick's book on Rome has all the information about it. It is very easy to find. The airport is well-marked and you can easily get a ticket at the tobacco shop/newsstand at the airport. It costs 14 Euros and takes just 30 minutes. I then took a bus from Termini to Trastevere where I was staying. The bus system is well-marked. The signs tell you all of the stops that particular bus makes. Many sites are in easy walking distance from Trastevere, but the bus system is also easy to navigate.
Linda, you're right to plan to use the FR1 train that takes you directly to Trastevere, esp. since your hotel is right by that station. I believe the tickets are either 6 or 8 euros. (Just did the reverse last month, going from Trastevere to Fiumicino.) Diane's suggestion to take the Leonardo Express makes sense only if you're going to the Termini train station, and there's no need to do that in your case.
Thanks so much! Last year I was with my family and we took the express to Termini since our hotel was within walking distance of the station. This time, I thought it would be easier for me to take the other train since I'm told the hotel is about 300 yds away. Since I'll be alone this time I just wanted to make sure before I left. Thanks again! Linda
Linda, do you know about the nearby Viale Guglielmo Marconi (Via Marconi for short) shopping district? It's where the Romans shop. There's an underpass to the left (east) of the Trastevere train station. It looks a little seedy right through there, but it's perfectly safe to walk through. Continue on that street and it becomes a broad boulevard called Via Marconi. Lots and lots of shops on both sides of the street and you will probably be the only non-Roman there. A lot of the shops there do observe the mid-afternoon siesta-type break, so best to go before lunch or after about 4 pm. Take a glance at Google Maps to see what I mean. You can even look around with Streetview.
Appreciate the info Michael. I will check it out.
Tickets for the FR1... at a tabacchi shop or a machine? Thanks.
You buy the tickets at a train station. I had trouble using my credit card at ticket machines this past May, so I suggest you go up to the ticket window and tell a human what you need. If your train leaves really early tomorrow, get your tickets today in case the ticket window isn't open when you get there.
Oops. Misunderstood your question. Buy your tickets at FCO once you get to the train terminal. This website (with photos) has all the info you need: BE SURE TO VALIDATE YOUR TICKET BEFORE BOARDING!!!!!
thanks. I am getting a bit nervous so thanks for the info.
Thanks again. I leave tonight. If I will be taking tram each day, do I buy a single pass each day or is there multi ride passes or multi day passes? I will be there several weeks. Thanks.
thanks. I anticipate needing to use two rides 5 days a week.
Based on how much you'll be using it, just get a bunch of the single tickets. That way you'll only spend 3 euros a day. If you find that you're going to use transit more than that, you might consider getting a CIS (Carta Integrata Settimanale) good for a week of rides on trams, buses and metro. They're 24 euros each. Do the math and figure out what works best for you. Remember to validate any pass on the tram/bus the first time you use it. Then you don't have to validate it again.