I'm not kidding. Anyone affected? http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE8120UD20120203
I be there are going to be some beautiful photographs that come out of this. I can't wait to see them!
Currently in Rome, and yes the entire place is blanketed in ice and snow. Town is very quite. First time here so not sure how much of that is due to the snow, and how much is winter sleepiness. I can't find any information about when the sites are going to reopen. Lots of news about their closure though. Might go walk down and see what I can find first hand.
Here's a link to some photos. Rome, more beautiful than ever. http://www.sacbee.com/2012/02/04/4239146/rome-in-the-snow.html Enjoy!
Our snow started Tuesday night and has been going off and on until today. Has shut down our whole town. A local friend told me this is the worst storm since 1929 to hit this area. I'd say we have roughly 3 1/2 feet.
Saw some pics of Monterroso and Monorola with snow. Very beautiful but guess the locals aren't having too much fun with it.
Ron mentions 3.5 feet in Cesena, Italy. I know they had 2 feet a few days ago, so 3.5 seems reasonable to me.
I was a little over, measured it....only 3 ft!
We currently have friends (from Rome) stranded in Belgrade and Bucharest trying to get back to Rome. Schools have already been closed for Monday. Hopefully soon they can get back on schedule. Some more pictures and video of Rome in the snow.
Just beautiful; what a great time to be there as a tourist! Thanks Christine and Ron for posting links to pix.