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Rome 2011- help planning!

My husband and I didn't have much money when we got married in 2001 and so for our honeymoon we just stayed at the coast in OR for a week. Nothing exciting, we decided we would save money up and on our 10th anniversary we would take a real honey moon to Rome. Its only 5 years away now so I want to start planning and see how much it will cost. we are both Catholic so it would be ideal to see as many Catholic sites as possible but my hubby is also a history buff so everything else is good to. What ideas, suggestions, web sites ect does everyone have?

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2 posts

Read Rick Steve's book on Italy. That is where everyone on this site has started.

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1127 posts

Definately pick up a guidebook to get a feel for the cities you wish to visit. Since you are Catholic & interested in history Rome is a must see. Where you go from there depends on how much time you have. Also check out

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160 posts


Have you checked out Bob and Penny Lord on EWTN? They have a website and they offer tours of the Holy Land and also Italy. They go to all the Christian holy sites. I have a friend who has taken a few of their tours and loved them. I am also Catholic and a history buff and I did a lot of research on the net for Christian sites in Rome and things to see. I found out a lot of info and I planned my trip accordingly.

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2092 posts

CeAnne, you might consider Rick's "Europe Through the Back Door" as well as his "Italy" to help you learn his way of travel. Because of Rick we have the ability to travel every year....If we traveled the way my parents did, we'd only be able to go every 10 years!
Another wonderful book to help you set your priorities is "Catholic Shrines of Western Europe" by Kevin J. Wright.
Enjoy the planning and the anticipation!

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9 posts

There are many suggested itineraries to be found on the Web. Try searching via Google for phrases like "sample itinerary Rome" or "sample itinerary catholic rome". I did the latter search and got the following result, which looks quite good as a model to follow for a pilgrimage-type trip to Rome:

As far as cost goes, it's very difficult to predict what the value of the Euro against the dollar will be 5 years from now. The Rick Steves city tour to Rome will probably continue to be a great value for the money. You and your husband could consider adding a few extra days at the beginning or the end to do more specifically Catholic things, if the tour itinerary doesn't cover everything you want to see. Good luck!