I can figure out the Romapass for adults. However, it is confusing for children. I think public transportation is free for all children under age 10. The Borghese is really cheap for kids. I can't get enough information online about colosseum for kids. My dilemma is do I or don't I get a Romapass for my child? Grazie Mille!
Colosseum is free for children. The ticket web-site has following:
FREE + RESERVATION European and non-European people under 18
So admission is free for children, but if you reserve a ticket online, there is a 2 Euro fee.
I am heading to Rome in April, and decided NOT to get a Roma pass for my daughter. For Vatican, she qualified for reduced ticket (8 Euro) as well.
Thank you so much for your info. This is exactly the type of info. that I need. Do you know anything about public transportation for children? Much appreciated. (Rome transportation)
You don't need to reserve a ticket for her to get inside the colosseum. You can go to the special events desk and get that for her without waiting in line. If you are taking a tour you'll need to book and pay for that. She doesn't get free admission for tours.
She will ride free with you if she hasn't had her 10th birthday.
Donna, thank you for your helpful info. I appreciate your assistance. ---Barb