On major lines, buy the tickets as far ahead as possible, to save 50 per cent or more over a last-minute purchase. Time to change trains depends in part on the size of the station. Most European terminals have a large central hall where the train numbers and the platform are listed. Often that data is posted 20 minutes or less before departure. You are hauling your own bags. While the sleek high-speed trains are exhilarating, the amount of luggage space can be cramped. Usually there is a rack at the car entrance, overhead shelves for small bags, and sometimes space between seats. With your ticket on a major line you will get a seat assignment. Some of those seats face backwards, or have a narrow tables between four seats.These tickets will be scanned by an attendant en route. For shorter runs, the paper tickets purchased at the station have to be validated in a machine at the entrance to the platform. A date is stamped on the ticket so it can't be used outside the rules.
For the full course in train travel, study www.seat61.com
Your airline specifies how soon to get to the airport. Believe them. With heightened security, checking in and passing through the gates can take a long time. For trans-Atlantic flights, you are expected to be in your seat, not just the departure lounge, 60 to 90 minutes before takeoff. A small point: The arrival and departure times are for wheels-on-tarmac, not when you are actually in the terminal.