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Ridiculously early flight from Rome to USA--where to stay beforehand

Hi, everyone-
I'll be spending almost 2 wks in Rome (April-May), staying near Termini. KLM flight (already paid for) leaves FCO on a weekday at the dreadful, hideous, awful time of 6:30 a.m. For various reasons, I can't change the flight (Rome > Amsterdam > USA). When it comes to transportation, I would rather allow enough cushion for screw-ups (mine or something/someone else's) than cut it close. I think I should get to the airport around 3 hrs ahead of the flight--even at that hour--which means around 3:30 a.m. (gah!!). I looked at hotels near FCO for around 80 euros a night (my budget), but comments on, etc., indicate that ongoing construction at the airport means public transportation has limited access near the entrance so people are dropped off some distance away. Hotel websites that offer shuttles do not (understandably) offer them at such early hours, and according to comments, getting a taxi at 3-3:30 a.m. is a crap shoot. I don't want to roll my suitcase along the street at 3:30 a.m., so now I'm thinking I should just stay where I am near the Termini and ask the hotel's front desk to reserve a taxi for me. Obviously I'm not the first person in this situation, and there are no guarantees in life, but if any of you have recently taken a very early flight, what was your experience getting to the airport at an ungodly hour? Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

Posted by
295 posts

Unless there is a schedule change in May 2020, the earliest Leonardo Express from Termini to FCO is about 0630. The last train of the day leaves at about 2330. There are night buses from Termini Station to FCO - check the schedules. We have never used the buses to FCO but they probably stay on schedule. In our experience, the reserved night cabs have shown up, but usually late enough to panic us. That is why we book a late morning flight out of Roma. Take the late train & sleep in the airport? Good Luck.

Posted by
6017 posts

My daughter had this same situation a few years back, and we had the hotel reserve a car the night before, from a vendor that they swore would be dependable. Actually, I'm not sure if it was a taxi company, or a "cousin", but the hotel vouched for the service, and all went well.
There is a Hilton in the Rome airport, but it isn't cheap.
Safe travels!

Posted by
7525 posts

You won't need to be there 3 hrs ahead of flight since it is only going to AMS-check with your airline- what time do they suggest? probably 2 hours or less.

I don't think the airport is even open at 3:30 am

Posted by
4155 posts

We had an early flight 3 years ago and had the hotel arrange a taxi (I think it was a friend or relative too). It was perfect. He showed up on time. There was NO TRAFFIC. He asked us if we wanted him to drive around the Colosseum to see it with no people, we said yes! It was a prearranged price, the driver was on time and fast. With your flight being from Rome to Amsterdam you should be ok with being at the airport 2 hours in advance but check with your airline. Have your boarding pass printed out at your hotel.

Posted by
8373 posts

Hotels usually have a driver available for their early travelers. We were met by a gentleman in a Mercedes that took us to FCO quickly and efficiently--little outgoing traffic. It's not as far as I expected from the Vatican area.

This is a lesson to learn about any 6:00 a.m. flight out of European airports. You're going to be flying to another gateway European airport where you're going to sit until mid-day when the flights start for North America. You can most often demand a 9:00 a.m. departing flight that's much easier.

It's hard enough to prepare for a 8--10 hour flight at normal times. But having to get up at 3:00 a.m. makes the trip double hard on the mind and body.

Posted by
6637 posts

The hotel in which we are booked - Domus Porto di Traiano - is costing us €89 per night next June. The shuttle starts up at 4:30 a.m., and costs €8 per person. (After 6:00 it's €6.)

We haven't stayed there before, but the reviews are good, and it's in walking distance of good restaurants.

Years ago we were in Florence and had a ridiculously early flight out. Our hotel arranged a taxi to pick us up at some ungodly hour in the morning. It worked just fine.

Posted by
1230 posts

Several weeks ago my taxi (booked by my hotel near Termini) took 28 min to FCO at 7:00 am on a Sunday morning. It's a flat rate of 48 euros. I also echo the advice that 2 hrs should be plenty of time to get to your flight to another Schengen country, and to print (hotel should help) your boarding pass the night before.

Posted by
11888 posts
  1. Ask KLM what time you can check in. I doubt the desk is even open at 3:30 am.
  2. We have had excellent pre-dawn service with a pre-arranged driver, so I concur with asking your hotel to set it up for you. Then trust.
Posted by
16355 posts

It’s a intra EU Schengen flight to AMS. Being at the airport 90 min prior to departure is more than sufficient.. You will have plenty of time to spare fora quick breakfast before boarding.

When I stayed in the center of Rome for an early flight I always took a taxi. Never had an issue with them. The flat fare is 48€ from the city center to the airport. There is zero traffic at that time so the taxi ride is no more than 30 min long.

If you prefer to stay at the airport, I recommend the Hilton. It’s a 5 min walk from the hotel to the terminal on the sky bridge. The price at the Hilton is around $225-$250 a night.

Posted by
16355 posts

@ David from Huntsville, AL.

You often remind people about flying directly from Italy to the US to avoid early flights to EU getaways.

However you must understand that our needs on the West Coast (the OP is from NorCal, like me, so likely using SFO as home airport) are different from your needs in Alabama.

For you in Alabama, the most convenient, and often only way to fly from/to Italy is via a Eastern US getaway like New York or Atlanta. Obviously in your case it makes sense to fly directly from Rome or Milan or Venice to those US getaways, which generally happens later in the morning, as you correctly remind posters.

We in California or the West Coast in general are in a different situation and have different needs. For us, the shortest and most convenient way to come home is not via NYC or ATL, but with a direct, Arctic Route flight, directly from Europe to the West Coast (LAX, SFO/OAK, PDX, SEA).

Unfortunately those direct flights tend to depart from European hubs that are not in Italy (AMS, LHR, CDG, FRA, etc). There are only few flights from Italy to the west coast (Alitalia to LAX and SFO only). We need to stop to the above Northern European hubs first.

Posted by
2829 posts

Just a side-comment (doesn't apply to OP who already bought flights) for those considering day-time westbound flights to the US: if you search carefully, you will often find options with European airlines that involve an overnight stay at their hub. KLM and Air France search engines offer such solutions fairly often. It means leaving your last city (say, Rome) on the last flight of the evening/night, then taking the same flight you'd take the next day. So you would still sleep at an airport hotel in between flight but could wake up rather late, and already start adjusting time zones. Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Paris Charles de Gaulle are the most practical airports for such arrangements.

Posted by
6637 posts

Do check with KLM and see what time their desk at FCO opens. I had forgotten, until I read a couple of the preceding posts, that two years ago we got to a major airport (CDG in Paris, I think) the suggested three hours early, only to find that the desk for our airline wouldn't even open up for another hour!

Posted by
2768 posts

I’d just arrange a car from the hotel at something like 3AM, or closer to 4 if you prefer. You won’t have traffic to worry about at that hour! The hotel can book it, or you can look into services like Rome cabs. Should be close to the same cost as a regular taxi. I’ve done this in multiple cities, including Rome, never had any trouble.

I find staying at airport hotels depressing. I’d rather spend my last evening IN Rome, then get up and go early. An airport hotel means you need to pack up early, spend time transiting to the airport area, and not enjoy any sort of evening time in the actual city you are in. AND you save very little time (how often does the shuttle come? How far is it? Vs. a cab taking you door to door).

Do look into airport/ security opening hours. 3:30 might not even be possible. You can probably enter the airport but it’s likely you can’t check in or go to security that early.

Posted by
3382 posts

I don't know how old you are. In my younger days...20's, 30's...maybe 40's, I would have enjoyed Rome one last night and then gone to the airport after midnight and cat napped. I don't know if you are still allowed to sleep in FCO, but in 2004, you were (research for daughter).

Posted by
224 posts

In Oct., I stayed at a B&B not far from the airport, and the owner provided transportation to the airport for a reasonable fee. I also had the very early flight with KLM to Amsterdam. I don't know what time they started check-in, but the line was huge 2 hours before departure, when I arrived. By the time I made it through security, etc., to my gate, they had started the pre-boarding procedure. The staff kept reassuring everyone that they would get to their gate in time.

Posted by
94 posts

Many thanks to all of you who took the time to reply. Very helpful info. I called KLM and they told me FCO is open all night, but that their check-in counter opens at 4 a.m. All things considered, I'm going to stay put at the hotel near the Termini. They will arrange for a taxi which, at 3:30 a.m., will cost 55 euros and take about 25 minutes.
@Mona: On the way to the airport, your taxi driver gave you a traffic-free ride around the Colosseum early in the a.m.--I'd love to do that!
@Andre L.: Thanks for your suggestion. I’ll keep this in mind for future 1-stop layovers from Europe to the US.
@Roberto da Firenze: Yes, flyers on the West Coast often prefer to go over the pole than to fly to the East Coast! We can get lovely afternoon/early evening flights to Europe, but pay for it with these very early morning flights on the return--at least if we take European airlines.

Posted by
8103 posts

We had one of those crazy early taxi rides to the Rome airport after our Best of Italy 17 day RS tour several years ago. There was no one on the roads, and our taxi driver was flying 110 miles an hour down the road in a tiny car - “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride!”

The next time we took a taxi to the Rome airport, the hotel arranged a professional town car, and the driver wasn’t in a rush.....almost a disappointment. ; )

Posted by
4 posts

I would have to agree with a few of the replies. I found myself in a similar situation a few months ago. The hotel arranged for a car to pick me up and got to the airport early enough to check-in with no problems.

Posted by
5600 posts

Personally I would have flown to Amsterdam the previous day and enjoyed the afternoon/evening there and then wake at a reasonable hour to catch the flight to the US. I don't do connecting flights as much as reasonably possible but if it is unavoidable then I factor in a stay at the place I'm connecting from.

Posted by
293 posts

Several years ago we did one of the 3:30 AM taxis to the airport, the city partied around us as we rode to the airport in absolutely no traffic. Don't remember exactly what time we arrived at the airport, but I do remember that the SwissAir desk did not open until LONG after we arrived. Then we were delayed almost 3 hours due to weather over Zurich. Amazingly they held our overseas flight back to Atlanta. Turned out holding the flight was unnecessary, weather also delayed that flight, missed our "window". LONG, Long, day.

Ah the joys of travel sometimes.