How will I know which hotels RS uses on his Italy tours?
They will send you that info after you sign up and pay for a tour, probably fairly late in the process. Or, you could call them and ask. They probably reserve their hotels a year in advance, so could know now about the 2012 tours. I've been on several RS tours in Italy; all the hotels were well-located and great. They may be better hotels than the ones you might stay at on your own.
Diane, It would help if you could provide a few more details. For example, which tour are you considering and which date? Shortly after you sign-up for a tour, you'll receive notification of your first and last Hotels. About a month prior to departure, you'll receive the full list of all the Hotels you'll be using on the tour, along with the name of your Lead Guide and fellow tour members. It's virtually impossible to determine the Hotel choices a long way in advance, as different Hotels are used by RS tours, based on factors such as room availability, guest specifics (ie: single rooms) and number in the tour. Not all of the Hotels used by the tours will be shown in the Guidebook (for obvious reasons). All of the Hotels will be comfortable smaller properties rather than five-star luxury accommodations. I can tell you that as I'm presently sitting in a RS tour hotel in Delft (Netherlands) and the room is perfectly comfortable. Happy travels!
I took a village Italy tour last oct and the hotel list was given to us approximately one month before the tour started. The hotels were mostly 3 star with a few 4 star hotels. Other than the hotel in Padua the rooms were fine with plenty of room for 2. In oct we will be taking the RS Istanbul tour which stays at a 4 star hotel. I am coming in 2 days early and staying at the same hotel.
Not sure if these hotels will match yours - but last year on our Rick Steves tour we stayed at Hotel Mercurio in Venice (ok). Hotel Silla in Florence - very nice! And Hotel Sonya in Rome - very nice again. Hope that helps.
I've been on 4 RS tours in Italy. I only stayed at one hotel that I didn't like and that was in Sicily and was because the front desk was so rude. I have even returned to some of the hotels on my own and found I was treated well when not 'associated with Rick' also. If you send me a PM of which tour you are taking I'll let you know where I stayed-but he does stay at different hotels sometimes.