I'm thinking of buying an Ipod Touch for web connection, music and listening to audios. I won't need a lot of music storage but I want to have space for Rick's audios and foreign language. I don't play games and I don't have a clue if I need 8 or 32 GB Pod. As the 8GB is less expensive, I'm hoping it will serve my purposes. I'm open to any suggestions that might help me make an informed decision. I look forward to any replies.
8GB is fine. Used my iPod touch for Venice, Florence and Rome audio tours AND had music to listen to on the plane as well as 2 audiobooks to listen to at night.
I loaded the audio files on my phone. I have an Android phone, so I didn't get the narration and the pictures together (I don't think it was possible since it's set up for the apple market). I got the audio only. I got everything he has on Italy and had no problems with space in my phone.