Hi! I spent a day in Naples last year. While it thoroughly exhausted me, I am in love! And I mean, while it's been 10 months I still go through occasional depression because I am here and not there.
However... having heard so many "danger" stories about this city I was reluctant to travel much further than the areas designated in Steve's book. I avoided the Spanish Quarter all together (probably a mistake, and will make up for it when I go back.) For a first time in such a city, I think I fared fairly well. However...I want more. More information on where to go, what to see. If anyone has really ventured into the city or even lived abroad I would love to get your take on areas to avoid and areas to NOT miss. Again, I will be traveling alone as a single gal, so please keep that in your consideration. Also, I have an interest in reading about Naples's social problems. Any sociology or social work individuals out there who can recommend some good reading?