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Restaurants near Piazza Novona/Pantheon area

My daughter and I will have one night in Rome before a flight out the next day to Croatia. We have both been to Rome before, and wanted to return to this area for a walk and dinner the night we are there. Could anyone recommend restaurants (not on the Piazza or touristy) in this area? I can't find my Rick steves's book on Rome!
Thank you for any suggestions!

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635 posts

We liked Trattoria Gino e Pietro, Via del Governo Vecchio 106 (about four blocks west of Piazza Navona and a block north of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II). Not much to look at on the outside, but very friendly owner.

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893 posts

My hubby and I have stayed right on Piazza Della Rotunda. We walked the backstreets and found this little restaurant that we loved and go back to each time we go to Rome (our favorite city). It's La Nuova Capannina a few blocks from the Pantheon.

Small and friendly and I loved the veal and carcioffi (artichoke hearts). they had nice plates with their logo and I asked if they would sell me one. they did and gave me a wine glass. this is the only kind of shopping that I do in Europe, plates from favorite restaurants.

The main thing is to get off of the piazzas and find the back streets and have a Great Time!


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44 posts

Thank you very much! I , too like to explore the smaller streets away from the crowds. These both sound wonderful!

My favorite Rome meal near P. Navona is Cul - Du - Sac. It's on Piazza Pasquino which is in the SW corner of P. Navona. The Pasquino statue is famous in Rome. Just walk to the South end of P. Navona. Get on the lane and walk to your right (toward the Brazilian building). One block down, just past the Brazilian building is the restaurant. I wish I learned about this place sooner. Only got to eat there once. You can find this in a RS book or on tripadvisor. It's a true Italian place with moderate prices and traditional atmosphere. There are some 10€ bottles of wine. Pick the region first. (Lazio-Rome, Umbria, Tuscany). Then, red/white/pink/bubbly. Then, cost and by the bottle or glass.

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180 posts

Al Duello
Vicolo della Vaccarella, 11, 00186 Roma, Italy
+39 06 687 3348

Three blocks from Piazza Navona

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21412 posts

Ive eaten here a few times over the decades. Even celebrated New Year's here once: • Il Cantuccio al Senato Corso del Rinascimento, 71, Roma, Italy One of my favorite places in town.

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195 posts

A popular treat on Piazza Navona is Tre Scalini's chocolate tartufo. My understanding is that if you sit down at the restaurant and have it, it's pricey, but I think if you take it to go it's about 6 euros. It was fun to eat in there at night amidst all the artists and street performers, next to the beautiful Fountain of the Four Rivers.

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127 posts

I agree with Mimi. We have been going to Hostaria La Nova Compannina for over thirty years, which is run by two brothers and their families. The food is very good and the service wonderful. It is located at Piazza delle Copelle #8. Make sure you get the correct address, as the place next to it is very expensive.

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824 posts

While staying in an apartment just off Piazza Navona, we ate at L'Orso 80 (Via dell'Orso, 33, 00186 Roma) and Ristorante Pietro Valentini Via dei Pianellari, 19, 186 Roma). We found both to be very high quality and a good value. Out of the two, L'Orso was a bit more rustic while Ristorante Pietro was a little more "higher end" with prices about 30% higher than L'Orso (but still a good value.

I really appreciated Ristorante Pietro serving us earlier than what is normal for Italians as my 80yo mother was really tired and ready to call it an evening. They appeared more than happy to seat and serve is even though they were still setting the dinning room for the evening meal. The head waiter was very engaging the whole time despite having to "herd" his younger staff into preparing the dinning room. The early service alone was enough to justify the slightly higher (but nowhere near the Piazza menu prices) dinner tab.

I hope this helps... (Both are easily found with google maps)

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1446 posts

We stayed at Albergo del Senato right in Piazza della Rotonda and the concierge recommended ParmAroma very closeby. It's downstairs in a cellar and we really enjoyed our meal there and plan to return this coming September. The web-site is: It looks like they have a gourmet shop in addition to the restaurant but I never saw the shop. The prices at the restaurant were very reasonable.