Looking for restaurant or cafe recommendations for Florence. We will be there 2 days and want to plan ahead.
Ristorante Lorenzo de Medici on Via del Giglio and
Tavernetta della Signoria on Via dei Neri. Enjoyed meals at both.
Just got back from 2 weeks in Italy, full of carefully researched and planned meals & food stops. Our dinner at Zeb was one of the highlights of our trip - we wish we'd had time to visit twice. Highly recommend! https://www.zebgastronomia.com/1148-2/
Rick has excellent recommendations, but that said it wasn't hard to find traditional Tuscan cuisine on our own either. Just a few blocks into Oltrarno no matter what bridge you cross are restaurants where most patrons are Italian. We found a popular upscale-ish pizza chain called Berbere with 16 varieties -- all the standards plus bacon/potato, Middle Eastern, green olive with tuna, and prosciutto with soft squacquerone cheese and orange oil -- plus 3 different crust dipping sauces.
It's oppressively hot in Florence now. We were there 2 weeks ago and it was 90+ every day. With that heat, I didn't want the traditional big rare steak. Always seemed easier to get a table inside (with AC) than al fresco on the sidewalk where Italians prefer.
Always good to plan and always good to make reservations, especially if you are traveling peak season.
Osteria Nuvoli. Seating in the basement, traditional rustic fare. Great wine.
Trattoria Tito
Best gelato in Florence - La Strega Nocciola Gelateria Artigianale