We will be there in the very late afternoon and will have dinner afterwards in a few weeks. Any recommendations of a good place to eat dinner near by? Thanks in advance!
I'm waiting for answers on this question, as well!
Venice or Florence? Both cities have an “Accademia” museum.
Sorry, Florence. I changed the title. Good catch!
Ristorante Giglio Rossi. About a 10 minute walk from the Accademia. I’ve been there twice, both times I had the Bistecca Fiorentina- the grilled beefsteak. If one is a fan of great steaks this is the place. Pick your own serving amount in 100 gram increments (about 3.5 ounces). Ristorantegigliorosso.com. There is an English option to read the menu on the website.
Antica Trattoria de Tito is short walking distance. For dinner hard to get in without a reservation since many Italians dine there. Has been featured on one of Rick's shows on Florence.
Another vote for Giglio Rossi. Our RS group ate there and it was wonderful.