Hi, We have reserved train tickets from Zurich to Milan and then from Milan to Florence. Do we need to validate the tickets?? Thanks.
If they are for a specific train, at a specific time with a specific seat-NO. If it's for a regional train that doesn't have a specific time on it then yes. Donna
In Italy there is a yellow box by the tracks at every station. Nobody is going to complain if you validate a ticket that doesn't need to be validated, but you can get a hefty fine on the spot if you don't validate a ticket that should be validated. So personally I validate them all.
We, too, validate all tkts!! Saw lots of people getting fined last summer on about every train we were on. Also know how to read your tkt as we had to ask people (Americans) to please move as they were sitting in our seats (InterCity with reservations from Levanto to Milano). They were not happy about it and though they could just sit anywhere. They finally moved when I pulled out our tkt that showed our seat assignments, etc.
If the ticket has a specific train listed and a seat reservation you don't NEED to validate. You are only allowed on that train, at that time and in those seats. Example: If you book the 7:10 train from Rome to Naples in second class in seat 13B, that is the only train you can take. The ticket is for that specific train. You would not be able to catch a later train with that ticket because it wouldn't be valid. Just like you can't use an airline ticket for any flight you want. It's for a specific trip at a specific time with a specific seat. Where people get in trouble is on the metro and on regional trains. Those MUST be validated. You can use those tickets for any metro ride or any regional train because there are no reserved seats or times and if you don't validate them they don't expire. As I said, if you can't find the box or run out of time don't worry about not validating. Those tickets don't need it. Donna