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Reserve Uffizi before purchasing Firenze Card?

We are going to purchase the Firenze Card when we get to Florence. I want to reserve a time at the Uffizi and Accademia asap, Can I do this without purchasing the card first?

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3 posts

I think I found the answer!... In one of Rick Steve's posts, he mentions that you don't have to pay until you pick up your tickets in Florence with a confirmation number after reserving by phone.
Thanks, Rick!

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6728 posts

Yes that is what I've figured out as well, I have reserved my Uffizi and Accademia times, and have not yet purchased the Firenze card

Posted by
16881 posts

According to the Firenzecard website, you do not need to have purchased the card before making a free reservation.

"The reservation can be made....
1. calling the multilingual call center Firenze Musei to phone number + 39 055-294883 (from 8.30 to 18.30 from Monday to Friday; from 8.30 to 12.30 on Saturday), select the language and press the n. 3 (Firenzecard holder) providing your first and last name. Closed Sunday and holidays. You will receive by phone a code to show at the ticket offices of Orsanmichele, My Accademia and Uffizi to collect your booking confirmation. You have to show your booking confirmation and your Firenzecard at the priority access doors of the museums"

It goes on to explain how to make a reservation if you're already in Florence. Also:

"Please note that you have to make the free reservation also for the kids under 18 years old who are members of the same family unit of the Firenzecard holder."

lahmusic, how long are you going to be in Florence? It matters as the card isn't necessarily a good buy if, say, having only one or two days in the city. That said, you don't have buy the card in advance; do that in Florence. Just make the required reservations for the Uffizi and Accademia in advance per the instructions on the Firenzecard website a few months or so before the trip.

Reservations are also mandatory for climbing the dome at the duomo but you can't make those until you get to Florence, and it's very possible for all slots to have been filled for several days at that point.

Posted by
6728 posts

Kathy provided more clear information. I should add that my inn keeper called and made the reservation. Once a reservation is made via single purchase of tickets with a reservation fee OR the method of the Firenze card, you've committed to using the method you used for the time reservation. Is that even less clear?

Posted by
16881 posts

Is that even less clear?

LOL, Jules!!!! The recent hairball with card reservations has been interesting, eh?
It takes our RS village to try and keep things straight: the more, the merrier (or something like that). :O)

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3 posts

I tried calling the reservation number, pressing 2 for English, but could not find access for making a reservation for Uffizi and Accademia. :( Also, the recorded voice was not always that easy to understand.
Either I'm doing something wrong, or they changed the system!
Has anyone does this recently? Would love more help...

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6728 posts

Ellen, do you have a hotel/inn reserved? If so, you could ask them if they would be willing to take care of this for you. I believe the Firenze Card website has a "chat" function. Did you try that?

Posted by
21 posts

Kathy, thanks for the info- we only have two days so will reserve Accademia and Uffizzi when we get closer. So helpful!

Posted by
16881 posts

...we only have two days so will reserve Accademia and Uffizzi when we
get closer.

I take take to mean you'll just buy timed-entry tickets in advance versus go the card/reservation route, right? Probably a good idea if you won't have close to the full 72 hours to use the card.

Posted by
6728 posts

I priced out the Firenze card and analyzed it (ad naseum, haha). We tend to visit more places than many on our travels, yet with almost three full days, we felt we were not quite"breaking even" an finally just choose to buy it based on a handful of factors. I feel like with two days, you are probably best off buying individual tickets for your sites and maybe that resolves your current problem.