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Reservations in Florence

I understand that if you stay in Florence the Hotel will make reservations for Accademia.Do the small places such as Casa Rabatti,Soggiorno or Lucia Freda also make them?Thanks you

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2115 posts

Our hotel La Venere made them without hesitation after I asked them. They emailed right back with the numbers and we are, as they say, good to go. Email the hotel. I think they all pretty much offer this service. I'm sorry I potted around online forever before asking them.

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152 posts

Hotel Dali has about 10 rooms and gladly made the reservations no charge. It's so easy for them to do it. A quick local phone call. Costs them nothing. Just ask when you reserve.

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267 posts

bellevue house made all of our reservations for us good luck :):)

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3112 posts

By Soggiorno, do you mean Soggiorno Battistero? When I stayed there, Kelly offered to make reservations for me.