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Renting a car...Gas vs. Diesel

We will be traveling all over Italy for 2 weeks in April. We'll be renting a car from AutoEurope, however are undecided on whether to rent a car that takes Diesel vs. Gas?? Any suggestions?? Price Differences? Availability along highways?? Thanks everyone.

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2193 posts

I’ve only used rail in Italy, but the autos I’ve rented in France and Germany have always had diesel motors. I didn’t plan for diesels and didn’t much care, but I can share that diesel cars are ubiquitous. Diesel fuel is subsidized by some governments, so it’s typically cheaper than gas, and diesel motors generally get better gas mileage. You should have no problem finding diesel fuel…just make sure you use the right pump. Oh, these aren’t like the diesels from years ago in the US…you cannot tell by engine sound or exhaust smell it’s a diesel.

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850 posts

I always go with a diesel for the reasons Michael mentioned. Also, I go with a standard transmission which gets better mileage than an automatic.

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12172 posts

The European diesels run great, there is no vibration or odor that would make you think you're not in a gas car.

I get diesel for several reasons.

Diesel fuel is usually less expensive than gas (that may not be true right now). Just make sure you put the right fuel in the car.

Diesels gets better mileage than a gas car.

I usually get a better deal on a diesel. I always assumed it was supply and demand, fewer people asking for diesel - but there may be another reason.

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606 posts

I always get diesel in Italy.

I've heard from others that, generally, even if you specify a gas engine, you'll probably end up driving a diesel.

As mentioned above, regardless of the type car you get, pay attention to the fuel you put in it.

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2297 posts

We always get a diesel when we have to rent a car in Europe. Depending on the model you can save up to 50% in fuel cost. Every gas station will have diesel available.

The only drawback might be that especially smaller cars may not accellerate as well. If you're not used to driving with a standard transmission you might end up stalling the engine occasionally. I do that ... but this would not deter me from renting a diesel.

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401 posts

Diesel is currently around 20 cents less per liter, so that adds up where gas is almost 5 euros a gallon. Yes, they get better mileage and a lot of times the diesel engine is more powerful, giving you more go on the highway. Fiat makes a great diesel engine especially for the Grande Punto.

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873 posts

I would like to agree with the positive comments regarding diesel engines and think you should rent it over the typical gas engine: cheaper per liter in Europe, better gas mileage, quiet and smooth, and good power and pick up. Diesel gas stations were plentiful when we rented in France and Italy.

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1170 posts

Definitely get a Diesel. You won't be able to tell the difference. It is available everywhere. If you are proficient with a stick, do that too, as renting an automatic is very pricey and often are not available anyway.

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23460 posts

However, as diesel car owner there is one down side -- refueling. Diesel is more oily and smelly and seems to be all over the handle of the pump. I carry a half dozen of the very thin, plastic food handler gloves and always use one when refueling. Keeps you hand clean. Take some with you.

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196 posts

I have rented in Europe many times and about half the time get a diesel without requesting it. Honestly if the agency didn't tell me I may have not noticed last time. It was a little Renault Clio and it was a fantastic car. Drove it all over Loire valley for a few days and when I gassed it up to return, 20 euro.... what can you say.

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149 posts

Hi Matt, The times that I have rented a diesel Renault Laguna (a nice car about the size of an Accord) my mileage has been about 40 miles per gallon overall on a 5 week rental. The diriving included mountains, autoroutes, city, etc. The diesel Cleo should get closer to 45-50 mpg. Plan on driving a 5 or 6 speed gearbox with a clutch.

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12172 posts

I should have added I also get standard transmission. With smaller engines I get more pep out of standard transmissions.

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8 posts

I would definitely go with a diesel. Both of our vehicles are diesel and they get much better fuel mileage over their gas counterparts. Cheaper for fuel too.

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187 posts

Definitely go with a diesel and a stick shift. I leased a new Peugeot diesel for a month this past May and it was great. It had plenty of pick up and was nothing like the clanking, lumbering diesels that you find here in the states.