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Rent car in Florence or Siena?

We'll be in Florence for 3 nights, then staying in a farmhouse outside of Siena for 3 nights including driving to Montepulciano and seeing the Heart of Tuscany drive. Should we rent a car in Florence or take the bus to Siena and rent it there?

Our time is tight so it looks like this:
See Florence (sleep 3 nights in Florence)
Drive/bus to Siena for part of day and checking in farmhouse (sleep farmhouse)
Drive to Siena for full day (sleep farmhouse)
Drive Tuscany and visit Montepulciano (sleep farmhouse)
Drive Heart of Tuscany, drive to San Gimignano (sleep SG)
Drive to Volterra then Florence, return car in Florence

I hate that we only have a day and a half in Siena. If we rent in Florence do you recommend getting it from the airport to avoid the ZTL? Any other thoughts are welcome. TIA!

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16273 posts

Rent in Florence for sure.
Pick up and return the car wherever it’s cheaper. (Airport or downtown). I’ve posted directions on how to avoid the ZTL (which is an issue only when returning not when picking up since the cameras are only on rentry).

Using AutoEurope select FLORENCE ALL LOCATIONS. AutoEurope has multiple websites. Check all.

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25 posts

Agree with above poster on renting a car in Florence before departing for Siena. Enjoy, Montepulciano is one of my favorite towns in Tuscany. Nearby Pienza and Montalcino make the perfect day trip in that region (Val d'Orcia.)

Posted by
333 posts

Thanks ToRomeWith Love. Good to know! We will visit Pienza and Montalcino on the Heart of Tuscany day...although briefly.

Posted by
40 posts

We have been to Florence, & San Gimignano..
We are thinking of a trip only to Tuscany.
We’d like to include 2 bade towns.

How did you decide on Siena as your base?

Would you be able to share the information about the Farmhouse you are planing to stay in Siena?

Thank you!!

Posted by
16794 posts

rcohn36188, your other post states that you do not want to have a car for your trip. The OP is not staying IN Siena but at a rural farmhouse outside of the city that requires having a car for transport. Your trip and their trip are different animals.