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"Religious Shopping" in Rome

Hi everyone,

I've always had great assistance from this community. My wife and I will be in Rome next month. We're looking for recommendations on where shop for rosary beads and other religious items to take home with us. Thanks in advance.

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191 posts

The gift shops around the Vatican have huge selections. Some have even been blessed by the pope!

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9147 posts

There's at least one gift shop inside St Peter's in an alcove off to the right as you walk in. Make it your last stop if you're visiting. It has all you need and blessed, except for the real kitschy stuff.

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170 posts

Thank you, both. We hate being typical tourists but we’re both devout Catholics and will end up spending more money on this stuff than we should.

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7428 posts

Those shops are typical tourist shops due to their locations, but they do have a large selection and some nice items. If you wanted to visit a truly religious store, there is one a couple doors down from Gran Hotel la Minerva by the Pantheon; Barbiconi, Via S. Caterina da Siena, 58/59/60. It primarily sells vestments that are custom made, and the items are not inexpensive. Even if you don’t buy anything, it’s a nice store to visit.

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176 posts

There are two amazing stores a block or two behind the Pantheon that deal in religious supplies for the clergy. Bianchetti on Via della Pigna Is one. I forget the other but it’s close by. Everything including vestments, chalices, cassocks, even red socks for Cardinals! Rosaries, missals as well. Even if you don’t buy anything, as a Catholic, it’s a great place to gawk!

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245 posts

If you are looking for rosaries, there are many options (as have already been mentioned). If you are looking for rosary beads and centerpieces (with which to make rosaries), I was unable to find any. I'd love to know of some if you (or someone else) knows of any.