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Registered for Small Villages of Italy in April 2025. Looking to extend into Switzerland

My wife and I have reservations for the Village Italy n 14 Days tour the end of April, 2025. We are considering extending our time in Europe at the end of the tour by using the train from Lake Orta area to spend a couple of days in each of Bern and Basel in Switzerland before continuing with the train to Paris for 3 or 4 days. Thoughts or suggestions?

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2607 posts

Most people go to Switzerland to be in the mountains, but neither of these cities are, so it depends on your plans for those destinations.

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4713 posts

Yes, I want to hear your thoughts first--why did you choose those places in particular?
I think it's a fine overall plan, but I would try to pick places that had a slightly shorter path to Paris. Maybe via Geneva?

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4 posts

Any thoughts on things to see or do in these towns? We enjoy searching out good local food and aren’t really looking for a “touristy” experience. Figured that taking the trains it would give us some good scenic views of the mountains, and I gave up mountain climbing many years ago. :-)

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Not looking to necessarily find the most efficient route but some way to see a different part of the country. I know Basel is a terminus for various river cruises so thought it might have things of interest and Bern just seemed like another city option of interest.
Guess I should add that the intent would be first to Bern and chosen in part for being the capitol and then Basel which seems to have good train connections to Paris.

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17168 posts

You will not see much of the Alps from the train unless you do some careful re-routing. The main line with fast trains will go through two long and deep tunnels under the Alps to reach Spiez, on the way to Bern.

Take a look at the rail map of Switzerland, with the named scenic routes highlighted.

Tunnels are indicated by dashed lines. Coming from Orta ( the unlabeled lake just west of Lago Maggiore). you will head straight north to Domodossola and change trains there. Shortl after, at Iselle, you enter the Simplon tunnel and only emerge from underground just before Brig. If you are on one of the fast trains going directly to Spiez, you will enter another long and even deeper tunnel just after Visp, taking the train most of the way to Spiez.

I will be back in a bit with suggested alternatives, after I join my husband for a short swim at the lake!

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17168 posts

Options for more scenic routes:

You can avoid the second, long tunnel between Visp and Spiez by changing trains at Brig (getting off the train you boarded at Domodossola here). Take a regional train, not an EC or IC train, that passes through Kandersteg. You can see this line on the map—-it is the older route, used before the Lôtschberg Basistunnel was opened. There is still a tunnel, but it is mush shorter, and you will see some mountain scenery the rest of the way. At Spiez you change to a train heading to Bern (my favorite city in Switzerland).

Or, to avoid both tunnels, you can do this: At Domodossola, instead of heading north toward Brig in Switzerland, you take the scenic Centovalli Railway to Locarno, 2 hours away. The train departs nearly every hour at 26 minutes past (10:26, 11:26, etc. but no 14:26).

Locarno is a Swiss city on Lago Maggiore and would make a nice spot to overnight if you wish. There are several nice hotels right on the lake just a block or two from the railway station.

From Locarno you ride the scenic Treno Gottardo over the Gotthard Pass to Luzern. This route is marked on the map as No. 5, as the pricy Gotthard Panorama Express uses the same tracks, as far as Flüelen, then you switch to a boat to ride up the lake). Or you could transfer from Locarno to Lugano,and take the all-first-class Gotthard Panorama Express.

For a less expensive journey on the same route, take the Treno Gottardo as far as Flüelen and transfer there to the boat for the ride up the lake to Luzern.

However you choose to get there, Luzern would make a nice spot for you next overnight, or two. From here you can travel to either Bern or Basel for your last night.

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4 posts

Thank you so much for that information. Since we don’t have anything demanding that we be back home by any particular date, I’ll look into taking a more meandering way to get to Bern. Was nice to see your comment about Bern being your favorite city in Switzerland. Confirms it’s a good choice to spend a little time. What would you recommend as the best way to do the ticketing for the trains?
Once again, “Thanks.”