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Regional trains and "Cinque Terre Express"

Concerning regional trains, the Trenitalia website says: "Your online ticket is already validated and allows you to travel on your pre-chosen train or on others - along the same route - in the four hours after the time originally selected at the time of purchase, except for exceptions foreseen with specific regional tariffs." (I think this applies whether the ticket was purchased at the station or online.) Does anyone know what "except for exceptions foreseen with specific regional tariffs" means? Does it mean that you will not be allowed to use certain trains if you miss your original train? Or perhaps you have to pay a tariff to take a different train? If so, would you pay the tariff on board? I am chatting with Trenitalia trying to find out, but after I was greeted I was told to wait for another operator to continue the conversation and haven't heard anything in two hours.

Also, I read elsewhere some people were given only a three hour window...any experience with that?

Finally, is the Cinque Terre Express considered a regional train? So if you miss it, can you take another Cinque Terre Express within the four hours? Would you also have the option of a using a regional train in the four hour window if you bought a Cinque Terre Express ticket but missed it?

I really appreciate everyone's help.

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3812 posts

except for exceptions foreseen with specific regional tariffs

It means that in some regions the time window is not 4 hours long, it will be written on your e-ticket. I've never heard about a 3 hours period, I know it's 6 hours in Lombardy and 75 minutes in Liguria.

The cinque terre express is a regional train.

and haven't heard anything in two hours.

I'd open a new session

(I think this applies whether the ticket was purchased at the station or online.)

Yes, but if you purchase at the station the clock starts when you time-stamp your ticket.

If you purchase on-line the clock starts with the departure of the selected train. This is why even those that buy regionale tickets on-line do it just before getting on.

Maybe you already know it, but note that Regionale trains have no reserved seats and can't sell out.

Posted by
28 posts

Thank you, Dario! Am I correct that Cinque Terre and La Spezia are in Liguria? That's certainly good to know about the 75 minutes.

Posted by
1283 posts

Hi Trudy. Yes, CT and La Spezia are in Liguria. My regional ticket purchased in CT from our trip a few years ago says it is good for 75 minutes after you time stamp it. Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
32417 posts


Just to clarify, if you purchase tickets for Regionale trains online, these will be pre-validated and can be used within the time period printed on the ticket (typically four hours). The price is always the same for Regionale trains, regardless of whether the tickets are bought online or at the station. If you buy tickets locally, you must validate these (time & date stamp) in the machines in the station, prior to boarding the train on the day of travel. Failure to do so may result in hefty fines, which will be collected on the spot!

One other scenario to cover is that if you purchase a ticket for a Regionale train such as the Cinque Terre Express, you'll have to ensure to board only that train. In some cases, Intercity trains also travel through the C.T. and your ticket won't be valid for those as you won't have the compulsory seat reservation. That can also lead to hefty fines.

Posted by
28 posts

Oh my goodness, thanks, Ken. I know it's maybe better to wait to buy the regional tickets, but I like the convenience and time savings of just getting on the train, and I'm not sure I'll be able to buy them online right before I board. Now I'm worried about using the regional trains to make my connections to the intercity or freccia trains. I've heard the regional trains can be unreliable. My plans call for regional train to intercity to regional to freccia.

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16884 posts

Trudy, I see from another post that you're staying in Vernazza? Are you trying to get there from Pisa and transferring in La Spezia to a C.T. Express train? If so, there's really no need to pre-purchase a ticket for the Express: just do whenever you arrive in La Spezia. It's only going to cost you 4 euro from L.S. to Vernazza (takes about 18 minutes).

Buy the ticket and validate it before boarding the train: easypeasy.

Posted by
28 posts

Thanks, Kathy. Yes, I am going from Florence to Pisa to La Spezia to Vernazza.

On the return, I'm going from Vernazza to La Spezia, La Spezia to Pisa (possibly on intercity), regional to Florence, and Freccia to Venice