I would like to visit this area and specifically a small town where my grandfather was born. I know that a car would be the best way to get around the area. Has anyone visited and do you have any favorite sites? Thanks.
I would like to visit this area and specifically a small town where my grandfather was born. I know that a car would be the best way to get around the area. Has anyone visited and do you have any favorite sites? Thanks.
Hi Linda,
I don't have any advice, so hopefully someone will chime in. However, I just wanted to say good luck and that I would love to hear about your trip. My great great grandfather was born in Petilia Policastro and I hope to visit there someday. Buon Viaggio!
Thanks. I have visited most of the towns that my great grandparents came from. I have two left! I'm not sure when I will get there but I will! (Oppido Mamertina in RC and Bellosguardo in Salerno)
My grandparents came from the Lamezia Terme area in Nicastro and Sambiase and have been to this area many times. We use a car rental because we can go where we want when we want. Also, sometimes the town where a relative came from is actually up on a mountain in a small community where buses do not travel. At least, this was the fact with my family.
We generally stay for a week visiting cousins and doing some sightseeing. If you could tell us where you will be staying maybe we could be more helpful. The beaches are increasingly more popular with northern Europeans and English tourists. Especially the English due to the strength of the British Pound against the Euro.
Shopping malls are coming to this area and they are called centro commerciale. The one near Nicastro is called Due Mari and it contains everything you would find in an American mall, including a McDonald's. Not sure if this is progress...
Buon viaggio,
I waited to post since my experience is rather limited in Calabria, but since you have a handful of replies, I will give my two cents then. My parents own a small apartment in Pizzo, so we mostly hang out there. Tropea is nice as well. There are some Roman ruins here and there if that is of interest to you. We mostly hang out at the sea and take in the water (and gelato).
Love Tropea! Beautiful site, not many American tourists. Scilla is also beautiful.
Check with Cherrye Moore at My Bella Vita. She knows the entire region, and does family research for people looking for connections. She puts together Ancestry Tours, owns a B&B, and knows all the wonderful sights in the area. We have no relatives there, but gave her our parameters. For $150 (for 4 people) she put together a lovely itinerary, with tons of information on things to see and do, because we already had our accomodations set before we contacted her. We had a wonderful week there! Cherrye is a Texan expat, living in Catania. Find her at www.mybellavita.com
Jan Brandvold
Tropea is a beautiful seaside resort. Pizza is becoming very popular, especially with English tourists who are buying many of the new condos being built in the area.
Another interesting place is Le Castella located in Capo Rizzutto. It is a 10th century Norman Castle located on a tiny peninsula.
Our favorite place for a passegiatta is in Falerna Marino along SS 18. It contains bars, ristorante, a flea market, a small amusement park, and just a nice spot to walk. Also, my favorite pizzeria in the whole is located in this area. It is called Il Gamberetto Pizzeria Da Zio Pino. My favorite, favorite. Nearby by is the Cafe Vittoria, which serves outstanding gelato.
Buon viaggio,