I would like to know if anyone had any opinions on books for my daughter to read before we go to Italy this May. She is 14, a prolific reader, did I mention she is 14? : ) Specificaly I would like some books on Italian history, as well as books on Rome's infrastructure. Any good Historical fictions that might cover this? She read Pope Joan years ago, liked that.
Thanks Shelley
Ross King has written two books that might be of interest: Brunelleschi's Dome and the Pope's Ceiling. Brunellischi's Dome is about building the Duomo in Florence and the Pope's Ceiling is about painting the Sistine Chapel. I realize she is 14, but both books are really easy reads and relatively short. They are written in a way that tells the story and gives a window into the lives and world of those times. If she's interested in art or buildings she might like them and they are a must for any adult with such interests.
Thanks Douglas, those look great.
I just finished reading The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo by Irving Stone. It is a fascinating historical fiction mostly about the life of Michelangelo, but it also covers the political environment of Florence and Rome as well as the Renaissance art movement. Stone shares insight to Michelangelo's relationship with Da Vinci, the Medici's, various popes, as well as other pivotal historical figures.