Agree totally with yosemite's posting.
Cancel your trip, and honeymoon at a more predictable time......otherwise (as was posted previously) if you can even fly into Italy (with the now country-wide lockdown in Italy), you may be able to go no where and could have a chance of being quarantined somewhere (there or here upon return).
Overseas travel can be tiring and stressful in the best of times, why start your married life together with additional major risk issues with this trip?
EDIT: I just re-read your original you might be in Italy now? Different will very likely have to stay in whatever city you are in right now (assuming your flight got you there).
If you are in Rome right now, please post what you are seeing, doing, experiencing (re: the lock down) so others can learn from you. And, it could be you are currently sitting at a computer trying to arrange a flight to a country that is not on lock down? That is always an flexible and go elsewhere, if you have already flown across the ocean. Flights within Europe are usually pretty reasonable.