We're about to wrap up our marathon Europe trip (2 RSE tours, 6 days in France before the first tour, 10 days in Italy between tours, and now 10 days in Italy post-tours) by spending 5 nights in Bologna. We are booked into the recommended Hotel Centrale, (although I'm a bit nervous that they haven't responded to my reconfirmation email of yesterday.)
I tried to make a reservation for dinner tomorrow (11 June) at Al Sangiovese, but they have nothing available. Has anyone been to Bologna this year? Any recommendations for restaurants, say up to about €40 per person for dinner? (Less expensive always appreciated; we just had a dandy meal in Siena - generous sized primi, wine, mineral water, and coffee - for €30 for the two of us.) I have no idea what price range to expect in Bologna.
I'll ask the hotel for help, especially for tomorrow night, but I'd enjoy hearing from the Forum crowd.
Bonus points for places that take reservations online or via email or WhatsApp, since my phone only works on wifi.