Our daughter is currently in Lausanne,Switzerland and is looking to travel to Verona,Italy and is looking for reasonable accomodations there? Thank you!
Lucky her. Verona is wonderful. As for your request, I'm sure you know that there aren't a lot of people who want "unreasonable" accomodations, :-) so you'll probably get the most helpful responses if you give a specific dollar or euro range that you're looking for. Also helpful would be to include when she's going to be there, as prices vary greatly in Verona depending on whether it's opera season in the Arena. I can recommend an apartment in the Veronetta neighborhood but that might be overkill.
If she's going during opera season, it's going to be hard. Try hostelworld.com
Is she traveling alone? If not I would suggest an apartment rental, but if she is going by herself the price won't be worthwhile. We booked a really nice looking apartment there for this August through homeaway.
John, Do you know if your daughter would prefer a Hostel or a Hotel? How long is she planning to stay in Verona? If she's planning on travelling in the near future, finding a room could be problematic and expensive as Opera season in Verona takes place from June to Sept. (last performance this year is Sept. 3rd). For a budget Hotel, my suggestion would be Hotel Torcolo For Hostel choices, have a look at This Website If she's unable to find ANY accommodations, she might consider staying in a nearby town and taking the train in to Verona. Cheers!
FYI, I heard back from the OP, and his question was actually for travel within the next couple of days from the time of the OP. So whatever happened, this is now a done deal.