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Ready to pack!

17 days to go and we are finalizing the packing list. Here is our question.

  • 2 adults
  • 15 days traveling from the Dolomites to Rome
  • 10 days with a car
  • 2 connections on the way from US to Milan traveling economy (first connection in Europe is Paris)
  • 2 short (1 hr) train legs
  • All hotels have lifts
  • no matter what, planning on packing light
  • cycling helmet and pedals

Now for the question. Which config would work best. My fear is the fight over overhead space with carry-ons and the loss of leg room if somethings under the seat in front of us:
1. One joint suitcase checked and 2 backpacks with essentials to carry on?
2. 2 carry-ons and 2 personal items to carry on?
3. 1 checked, 1 carryon and 2 personal items


Posted by
11613 posts

Hi, Patrice.

It makes little sense to check one bag and have to wait for it if you can carry it on. If you are concerned about legroom, spring for the economy comfort seats that have a little more space betwen rows (about 4 inches, and it makes a difference). If for some reason one or both of your carryons need to be checked, they can be gate-checked for you so you can pick them up when you exit the plane door rather than go to the luggage carousel.

I would suggest two carryons and two personal items. Make sure valuables are in the personal items, in case you have to gate-check your carryons.

I travel for 3 months at a time with a 22-inch rolling carryon and a Civita daybag. In my daybag (personal item) I carry meds, phone, tablet, one change of clothes just in case something goes awry, camera, and charging cords and plug adapters, maps, vouchers and tickets.

Posted by
100 posts

I know it's blasphemy to say this on the Rick Steves' website, but check a bigger bag! Carrying on has gotten to be more of a problem than checking bags. We went to South Africa in 2010 and a couple with young babies took up two overhead bins! We were forced to store our day packs about six rows behind us for the 16-hour flight.

You've got a car and elevators, so it seems like a bigger bag won't be that much of a problem, even with the trains.

Posted by
715 posts

On international flights I have not had an issue with overhead space for carryon in economy class in the current fleet of wide body jets. I am vigilant however and make certain that I am at, or near, the front of the line when my group is called for boarding.

Domestic US flights is another issue.

Posted by
17601 posts

Our rule is to never check a bag if there is a connecting flight. You have two on the way to Europe?

The bike helmets take up a lot of space, but you can pack things like socks and undies inside each one. The bike pedals suggest you are taking bike shoes as well, so more space occupied.

However, we fit a similar range of clothing and equipment (hiking boots and fleece to opera clothes and dress shoes) in a carryon plus daypack (as personal item ) each. Once my list included a bike helmet as well. So it can be done. We generally travel by train with multiple connections and have trouble with the luggage there. A larger bag would be a headache---it is to large to put in the overhead rack on the train! and the luggage rack at the end of the car fills up very quickly.

So I suggest you go with Option 2.

Posted by
1898 posts

We've done several bike tours in Italy. We always check our bike, and then carry on our clothing, plus a small tote...and our bike helmets just get strapped to the carry on. Do not plan on packing the bike helmet in your suitcase, takes up too much space!

So...I'd recommend Each take your own suitcase and check it (it's FREE on overseas flight), and your own backpack. Just attach the bike helmet to the outside of the backpack, and when you get on the plane, find a space for it under the seat in front of you, just don't forget it when you de-plane!
you aren't going to loose much foot space with the helmet under the seat.

After a few trips using suitcases that we carried on our backs, we went to wheels, and haven't looked back. Makes travel so much more enjoyable!

Do check your bags- make your life easier

Posted by
70 posts

I know this is also blasphemous, but I travel with a 22" carry on bag...and always check it. Waiting for the bag at the end of the trip is so much easier than trying to drag it through security or on and off planes several times during a trip with one or two connections to Europe. Plus, I pack liquids like shampoo and body it's just easier not to deal with them while going through security. Depending on how long I'll be away, I either carry on a tote-sized purse, or a small back pack (Rick Steves) and purse.

I would not suggest a joint suitcase. (What if it got lost?) And you never know when an elevator might break down. Plus, large suitcases are a pain to lug on and off trains. I'd bring two 22" bags and check both of them. It's a good idea to pack one change of clothing in each other's bags, in case one bag gets lost.

As someone else pointed out--if you're going to check one--might as well check them both. This way, you can each carry on a backpack to stow overhead, leaving you plenty of leg room. And be sure to pack all your valuables in your backpack, not your suitcase.

Posted by
1501 posts

Just keep in mind that the smaller airlines that you are probably taking within Europe mean what they say when they say ONE carryon. Women, if you have your purse, that's it! I either skip the purse, or use one that will fit inside a legitimate carry on.

If you don't pre-arrange to check the bags (all of them) that you can't take aboard the regional airlines, you will receive a very heft surcharge at the airport (Paris) especially if you are using Ryanair.