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Ravello May concerts

How best to travel from Rome? Train to Salerno then taxi or private car?
Where best to stay hotel in Ravello or VRBO in Amalfi or Minori? Walk to concert vrs taxi?
How best to make a day trip to Paestum?
Taxi to Salerno then train to Paestum? Ferry to Salerno?

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8155 posts

It is already getting very late to make these arrangements, which are in high demand, and expensive all year long. Most likely, you will be staying 20 minutes away in Amalfi. Check on special music festival late-night busses or you'll be stuck with expensive taxis that there aren't enough of. Do you have the budget? How long do you want to stay? Are you already in possession of the concert tickets? If you thought this was one night out from Rome, think again. Please use the top center Search box to read threads about visiting the Amalfi Coast for one day from Rome, just for the travel information.

Although the trip is not technically complex, there are wide variety of options at a wide variety of convenience and cost levels.

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2 posts

Thank you for the reply. Yes, we already have concert tickets and hotel rooms in Ravello for the 18&19 May. It’s just that the coast looks so beautiful I thought it might be nice to stay down by the water.
You are right it will likely be easier just to keep my room in Ravello and walk to the concert rather than try to get a taxi.

But how about getting to Ravello from Rome and then from Ravello to Paestum? Taxi & train or private car? Or ferry?

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3648 posts

I would definitely keep the room in Ravello. The post-concert transportation crush is a bit daunting. Also, as far as sea views go, you’ll get better ones from Ravello than you would get down by the water.

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8155 posts

Most people not on a student budget would take fast Frecciarossa train from Rome to Naples, and use a car service recommended by their hotel to get to and from Ravello. You have missed the lowest train fares, but check on Trenitalia. Because there is no train beyond Sorrento you might as well take a car service all the way.